Monday, June 1, 2015

In “Roskosmos” said because of what fell “Progress” – Ukrainian national news

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Federal Space Agency of the Russian Federation reported that the find out the cause of the accident spacecraft Progress M-27M.

According to the agency, the reason lies in the construction of the joint use of transport cargo vehicle and launch vehicle and associated with frequency -dynamical characteristics of the ligaments.

& quot; This design feature was not fully taken into account during the development work on the creation of space rocket complex & quot ;, – say in the committee, which was investigating the crash.

Recall: Progress M-27M was launched April 28 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. It was planned that six hours after the start of the cargo ship should dock with the ISS. However, the launch vehicle failed to bring the ship to the desired orbit, and for her corrections were necessary telemetry data that are not received. & Nbsp; Control Center and was unable to establish contact with lost control of the ship, & nbsp; he Fell to Earth.

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Federal Space Agency of the Russian Federation reported that, found out that the cause of the accident spacecraft Progress M-27M.

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  • Photos: NASA

    Photo: NASA

Russian Federal Space Agency reported that find out the cause of the accident spacecraft Progress M-27M.

According to the agency, the reason lies in the construction of the joint use of transport cargo vehicle and launch vehicle and is associated with a frequency-dynamic characteristics of the bundle.

“This design feature was not fully taken into account during the development work on the creation of space rocket complex” – say in the committee, which was investigating the accident.

Recall: Progress M-27M I kicked off April 28 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. It was planned that six hours after the start of the cargo ship should dock with the ISS. However, the launch vehicle failed to bring the ship to the desired orbit, and for its corrections were necessary telemetry data that have been received. Control Center and was unable to establish contact with lost control of the ship, and he fell to the earth.


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