Friday, June 12, 2015

Chinese hackers stole the personal data of employees of the Pentagon and the CIA – RBC

As a result of hacking the database planning and administration of the US administration, which is suspected Chinese hackers, attackers could gain access to personal information of employees of US law enforcement agencies, particularly the CIA and the Pentagon. The total number of endangered personal affairs is estimated at 14 million, the Associated Press reported citing officials who wished to remain anonymous.

In particular, hackers gained access to forme№ 86, in which the employee must report existing mental illness, alcohol and drug abuse, about the recent arrests and bankruptcies. In addition, in the questionnaire, which was filled with the request of access to secret data contains data and contacts of relatives of employees, including about living abroad.

The US authorities fear that these data can be used for blackmail or substantially alleviate this problem. US federal officials dealing with information concerning national security are required to report some or all of their foreign contacts, depending on the location and level positions. All these data are stored in the planning and administrative management.

As already written RBC kiberekspert the Center for Strategic and International Studies, James Lewis, said that Beijing may use these data against Chinese citizens. “It [the stolen data] It is giving the Chinese the ability to use those specified in the lists as a foreign contactee. And if you are a Chinese citizen who is not informed about his contacts and relations with the Americans, you may have problems », –

OdPervaya attack occurred in late 2013. It was disclosed in mid-2014. The second burglary happened in December. Then hackers stole data on more than four million current and former federal employees in the last 30 years. Cracking was detected only after five months in April.


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