Wednesday, June 3, 2015

3NASA second time postponed the trial “flying saucer» – BFM.Ru

In the area of ​​intended splashdown unit established stormy weather

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the USA for the second time in the last two days moved the date of the latest testing apparatus known as a “flying saucer.” It is designed to provide a soft landing on Mars, reminds Tass.

«a management decision scheduled for June 3 test” Aerodynamic inflatable supersonic decelerator “postponed to June 4 due to adverse sea conditions,” – noted in the official report NASA.

The tests are carried out in the Pacific Ocean in Hawaii, off the coast of which are now established stormy weather.

According to the plans NASA, disc-shaped “flying saucer” must rise by a filled helium balloon to a height of 37 thousand. meters. Then it will begin work thrusters that allow the machine to reach a height of 55 thousand. Meters, where the descent begins.

located on the “flying saucer” brake systems, including a giant parachute, should reduce the rate of its incidence and to ensure the safe splashdown.

The tests are carried out in the framework of a program developed by NASA, the purpose of which – starting in 2035 manned spacecraft to Mars, followed by the landing of astronauts. “Flying Saucer” is designed for attachment to the spaceships and aims to provide its inhibition in the rarefied Martian atmosphere and a soft landing on the surface of the Red Planet.


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