Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The company SpaceX launched two lightweight satellite – Express-News

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05.03 | 00:08

It was launched carrier rocket Falcon 9, which in the space was derived for commercial satellite telecommunications areas. To deal with all these American private company, with the straightforward title SpaceX. All went well, and the launch was held at the Cape Canaveral launch site, at 22:50 US time.

This experience company SpaceX first. Previously, they were taken by one satellite and only now they were able to run just two, the mass of each of them is 2 tons. It is worth saying that these telecommunication satellites were manufactured by Eutelsat and Asia Broadcast Satellite.

In addition, these devices are quite easy for both satellites. All the matter in the latest ion engines, which were equipped with both satellites. Plus, ion engines is that they do not require bulk fuel tanks.

After starting the “rocket mom” otstoedinilis her “children” – satellites, not forgetting to maneuver. This occurred within 30 minutes after the rocket launch.


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