Friday, November 13, 2015

Water on Earth came from space is not – Moskovsky Komsomolets

according to British scientists

Today, at 11:39, Views: 9301

Researchers at the University of Glasgow, the most ancient rocks of the Earth Canada Island in the Arctic have identified that water on our home planet has on its surface from the beginning. Previously, it was assumed that it was brought to Earth asteroid or comet. About his discovery, scientists told the edition of «Science».

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According to Lydia Hallis from the Scottish University of Glasgow, the water molecules of water in rock samples contained a few atoms of heavy hydrogen (deuterium).

«It is said that she came to Earth not long after it was formed and cooled, and with the dust from which our planet was sleplena. Most of the water evaporates in the dust, but it was enough residue to form Earth’s oceans, “- said Hallis.

At the moment, the official science believes that the water on Earth is vneshnekosmicheskoe origin. On our planet, experts say, water reserves were due to asteroids.

The British have shown that in fact the Earth’s oceans were filled with her own water. It was possible to prove by analyzing samples of ancient basalts, which were found in 1985 in Canada.

These fragments of the Earth’s mantle, explains geologist contain small balls of crystal refractory rocks formed at the dawn of the life of the solar system .

According to the researchers, these inclusion contain the primary matter of the world, because they have never left the Earth’s interior, and not mixed with crustal rocks.

British scientists have analyzed the isotopic composition Water from these inclusions and compared it with values ​​in fractions of hydrogen isotopes characteristic of the waters of the Earth today and for comets and asteroids.

It was found that primary terrestrial rocks included the heavy hydrogen is less than it is contained in water oceans and in the matter of small celestial bodies.

All of this is evidence that the source of the water could be a matter of primary disk of gas and dust from which Earth was born and the other inhabitants of the solar system.


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