Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Scientists of the University have learned to find oil with the help of marine worms – TASS

the VLADIVOSTOK, November 23. /Offset. TASS Marina Shatilova/. The scientists of far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) have learned to find underwater deposits of oil and gas by marine worms called pogonophoran. Where there are concentrations of these inhabitants can be discovered hydrocarbon reserves, the press service of the University.

“the Scientists of the laboratory “Biology of marine invertebrates” School of natural Sciences FEFU found that marine worms of pogonophora are indicators of underwater oil and gas fields. Having studied the structure and synthesis of organic substances, the researchers came to the conclusion that pogonophora live in prospective for hydrocarbon production areas of the World ocean”, – the press-service.

As established researchers, the worms live on the sea floor at great depths. They get needed for their life energy by using bacteria that oxidize methane. For the life of the worms need a fairly high concentration of methane, which is in the field of underwater oil and gas deposits.

“Deep-sea oil and gas production is complex and costly, but technology does not stand still. For example, BP produces oil in the Gulf of Mexico from a depth of 1.5 km, and there were also discovered a whole cluster of tubes of pogonophora” – leads the press service quoted head of laboratory, corresponding member of RAS Vladimir Malakhov.

Scientists have found accumulation of worms in the Okhotsk and Bering seas, and believe that these places should be promising reserves of hydrocarbons.


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