Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Experts explained how in schizophrenics there are “voices in the head” – Moskovskiy Komsomolets

Probably the opening will allow to create effective drugs with minimal side effects.

Today at 15:58, views: 2292

a Group of American researchers representing Children’s research hospital St. Jude found a potential way to combat one of the symptoms of schizophrenia — auditory hallucinations, taking the form of “voices in the head”. As it turned out, in order to fully get rid of these voices, or at least mute them, can be useful microRNA molecule called miR-338-3p.

Специалисты объяснилиthat как у шизофреников возникают «голоса в голове»

photo: pixabay.com

today in many countries suffers from schizophrenia every hundredth person. Sometimes the cause of the disease is a genetic disease — syndrome of Di George, arising from the lack of the Central portion of the long arm of chromosome 22. This syndrome leads to the development of schizophrenia, according to various sources, 23-43 percent of cases. Existing drugs used in this syndrome have a number of serious side effects, and experts decided to try to find them a safer alternative.

Researchers have suggested that auditory hallucinations occur in people suffering from schizophrenia, due to the lack of a particular type of microRNA — miR-338-3p. Scientists in the lab took mice with genetic characteristics similar to the syndrome of Di George in humans, and found that while their brains were observed with disorders, usually associated with auditory hallucinations. The level of miR-338-3p they have the age reduced. As scholars have noted, it helps to understand why “the voices in my head” often hear adults, not children or teenagers — this, of course, about “real” hallucinations, not dreams.

the researchers argue that, introducing microinjected miR-338-3p in neurons of the thalamus, they were able to restore the normal activity of neural fibers between the thalamus and the auditory area of the cerebral cortex. It gives the chance to create new, more advanced products, experts say.

Their work, scientists published in the journal Nature Medicine.


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