Sunday, November 27, 2016

Faith in God is caused by bacteria – scientists – Tatar-inform

(Kazan, November 26, “Tatar-inform”). The people’s faith in God can be a result of the activities of particular populations of bacteria in our microflora, which “preprogrammed” brain. To such conclusion scientists from Moscow state University, RIA “Novosti”.

the Study of similar bacteria carried Alexander and Yuri Panini, biologists from the Moscow state University, and their colleague Alexander Tuzikov. In their view, some or even all religions that exist in the world today can be a “product” activities of microbes living in our gut or in other parts of the body.

Biologists cite as an example the fact that the intestinal flora controls our appetite, tendency to obesity and even food preferences, affecting the nerve cells of the intestine and brain, and is able to produce signal molecules of the brain and the various proteins that can affect mood and behavior.

besides, according to the scientists, religion and other beliefs spread in the past and today about the same as all kinds of germs and viruses, although in the cultural space.

according to Russian biologists, there is no reason to believe that this process cannot occur in the biological space by a kind of “biomems”, which may be bacteria. In favor of this, in their opinion, says that all the major religions include public rituals contribute to the spread of disease – for example, circumcision in Judaism, Eucharistia in Christianity, Hajj in Islam, and rolling on the ground and bathing in the Ganga in Hinduism.

For the same reasons, according to Panini and Tuzikova, representatives of many branches of religion may have a negative attitude to contraception, protected sex, vaccinations and other elements of hygiene that protect us from viruses and germs.

Religious “medichlorian” can be found in the intestines, and in the human brain. However, verification of this hypothesis is difficult, as our microflora contains a huge number of bacteria and viruses.

Today, biologists study them in a very schematic form, but in the near future, as noted Pancini and Tuzikov, it will create new sequencing technology, which will help to reveal the role of each microbe in our body and to understand whether there are among them such “peddlers” of religion.

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