Monday, November 28, 2016

Scientists have found the ocean at a depth of 1000 km under the ground – REGNUM

Brasilia, 28 November 2016, 10:49 — REGNUM an International team of experts managed to discover direct proof of the presence of water in the deep bowels of the planet. According to scientists, at a depth of about 1000 km can be an ocean, a study published in the journal Lithos, it briefly outlines New Scientist.

In Brazil in the vicinity of the San Luis diamond was found aged about 90 million years, thrown to the surface by volcanic eruption. The study of the mineral revealed that it contained inclusions related to the presence of hydroxyl ions.

These compounds could get into the mineral with water. They consist of ferropericlase — rocks that compose about one fifth of the mineral phases of the lower mantle, located at a depth of 660 to 2900 km. According to scientists, diamond formed at a depth of about 1000 km.

Previously, scientists based on the study of minerals showed that under the surface of the Earth at a depth of 410 to 660 km hidden ocean, which is 2.7 billion years old. When this ancient body of water exceed the size of the World ocean.

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