Thursday, September 1, 2016

Scientists named the unexpected advantage of tall people in front of the low – Moskovsky Komsomolets

It is better to evaluate a distance “by eye»

Yesterday at 13:54, views: 7325

The high people are able to more accurately than the relatively undersized, estimate the distance between different objects and to them, with this difference persists even when they are sitting, and their comrades are not high on the hill. To such conclusion the group of researchers from Ohio State University.

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The study experts were asked to estimate the distance between the objects 12 people, whose growth was less than 175 centimeters, and the same people who were above that mark . As it turned out, if the object is at a distance of three to twenty meters high, subjects were given a more accurate assessment of both the bright and the dim lighting. Even if the people of small stature stood on the hill, and the highest of the participants in the experiment sat down, the result is not too varied. By the researchers, it could mean that high growth is not much help more accurately estimate the distance itself, as in some way contributes to the development of this ability for a long time.

Scientists have noted that, if the results confirmed, revealed their advantage can play a role, including, for athletes. If, for example, high-growth benefits for basketball players are clear, the new study shows that indirectly it also helps, for example, tennis players.

Earlier, various experts have published a number of studies showing that the growth of prejudice not only the probability of hitting his head on the top rung the door or comfortably watch a performance from the fifth row. In particular, recently, scientists have found that people are more inclined to growth increasingly conservative views, while low, on the contrary, more often support political forces that promise to reform. During another research specialists have found that tall men “ceteris paribus” on average earn more than those who “gives” them a few centimeters. The researchers noted that it is only talking about the general trend – sometimes short people earn a lot, but the overall statistics show about a certain injustice. Finally, the authors of another work indicated that the average man of high growth in popularity among women.


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