She broke out of 46 thousand years ago,
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In the extinction of the dwarf hominid, often informally called “hobbits”, a group of Australian scientists under the leadership of Thomas of Satiny accused the immediate ancestors of modern humans. This is the conclusion researchers have found in Indonesian cave of Liang Bua, the teeth of Homo sapiens. Earlier in this same cave were found the remains of the “hobbit” human Florensky.
a Frame from the movie “the Lord of the rings”
the age of the discovered human remains, according to scientists, is about 46 thousand years, and this means that the ancestors of modern humans might some time live in the cave simultaneously with the “hobbits” – and, in all probability, to quarrel with them.
it is Assumed that Homo floresiensis appeared on Earth about 130 thousand years ago, and became extinct about the period in which are found the remains of ancient people. Unlike the hobbits from the books of JRR Tolkien and taken them to the movies, ancient hominids, most likely on the level of intelligence was very far even from the contemporary people – people Florensky had a brain fairly modest amount compared to the human. The mass of hominids reached not more than 50 kilograms.
As the researchers suggest, “hobbits” lived in the cave of Liang Bua long before the people came. Scientists assume that Homo sapiens, being stronger and more tech-savvy than they discovered on the island of hominids, decided to simply get rid of the neighbors, which otherwise would have to compete for resources.Ultimately, according to experts, it is the people exterminated Homo floresiensis.
the Results of their study, the researchers presented at the annual meeting of the European society for the study of human evolution.
Relatively recently about the likely former “neighborhood” of Homo sapiens and Homo floresiensis said another group of researchers representing the University of Wollongong. On the island of Flores they also managed to discover the source of the ancestors of modern humans about the same place where in the past were found the remains of a man Florensky. However, then the researchers proceeded from the assumption that the two species was certainly are hostile to each other, and that this feud could be the reason for the disappearance of the “hobbits” from the face of the Earth.
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