(updated: 15:49 29.09.2016)
MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti/Prime. the volume of the economy of Runet in 2016 will amount 1,581 trillion rubles, which is by 16.7% more than at the end of 2015, the forecast contained in the study “the Economy of Runet 2015-2016″, prepared by the Russian Association for electronic communications (RAEC).
By the end of 2015 the volume of the economy of Runet totaled 1,355 trillion, and the volume of the market of electronic payments — 588 billion, a total equivalent to 2.4% of Russia’s GDP (in 2014 — 2%). The volume of Internet-dependent markets is comparable to 19% of Russia’s GDP, the study said.
“on Runet Economy will grow by almost 17% in the crisis year, is very positive. Positive we also believe that an increasing proportion of the Internet economy in the GDP of the country. If the forecasts come true, that 2017 is the year of exit from the crisis, it gives hope that in 2017 we will overcome the bar of 3% of GDP”, — said Deputy Minister Alexei Volin during the presentation of the paper.
According to the forecast, the audience of the Runet in 2016 is 86 million people aged 12 years. While in Russia, about 33 million broadband subscribers. Monthly mobile Internet audience has about 62 million users. The mobile Internet users generate 25% of all income Headings.
“the Penetration of smartphones and affordable applications and services in Runet, a year is not comparable with the penetration of personal computers, the audience of the Runet is growing almost exclusively by mobile users,” said raek.
In this regard, user preferences have undergone significant changes in the field of content consumption and order various kinds of services. Virtually all segments of the mobile component is at least the fourth part of the market and in some segments — such as services or digital content — share up to 80-90%. The share of users or customers with mobile devices steadily closer to 40%, showed the results of the study.
the impact of the crisis
In the study, the RAEC had also interviewed industry experts on the impact of the economic crisis on the industry.
“the Experts mostly agree that there is a crisis in the online industry, but agree that it is somewhat softer in comparison with other areas of the domestic economy,” said raek.
the Fifth part of experts is sure that the “bottom” of the economic crisis in the industry is expected in the second half of 2016, and every tenth believes that the bottom has already passed in 2015. While 35% of respondents find it difficult unambiguous answer to this question.
Speaking about the release date of the online economy to pre-crisis rates, 40% of the experts have difficulty with the assessment.
According to the results of a similar survey in mid-2015, restoration of the online economy a third of the expert community (32,7%) predicted by the fourth quarter of 2017 and later. The fifth part of the audience was determined to be more optimistic with the possibility of an end to the crisis by the end of 2016.
According to the results of the current survey “Crisis barometer — 2016″, about 30% of respondents believe 2017 to be the year of recovery. Thus, the stagnation of the online economy will occur for about a year.
the Study also showed the labor market recovery in the Internet industry.
If at the end of 2014 or early 2015, the company practiced staff reductions (although not as significant as in other sectors), the second half of 2015, the restoration of the number of vacancies.
For the first nine months of 2016 RAEC observes the growth of demand in Russia for it professionals, 39%, and in Moscow — 31%, outpacing the overall market performance. Assessment RAEC, today the industry employs around 2.3 million people.
“the labour Market in the IT-industry up to 2020 will remain stable indicators of demand for staff. The development of information technologies, their applicability to nontraditional earlier directions, the automation of processes will retain IT specialists as one of the most popular on the labor market”, — said raek.
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