Friday, September 2, 2016

NASA: Probe New Horizons “haunted” dwarf planet – Russian Newspaper

NASA scientists reported that the dwarf planet Kvavor few days “haunted” spacecraft New Horizons, moving almost parallel to it. Probe caught in the lens of his unusual “companion”, RIA Novosti

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Kvavor, reaching a diameter of 1,100 km, is probably typical of Kuiper belt object. It was opened in 2002. The famous “hunters planets” scientists Scott Shepard and Chad Trujillo. Like Pluto, Kvavor consists mainly of ice of frozen gases, and revolves around the sun in a nearly circular path (one revolution of 284 years). Planet is accompanied by a small satellite, called weywot. Its diameter is, presumably, only 74 km.

New Horizons made images of the dwarf planet at the time of closest approach to her in the middle of July this year. Within a few days Kvavor “haunted” the probe moving along a similar path towards the outskirts of the solar system.

At the time of the shooting was a planet at a distance of 2.1 billion kilometers from the probe and 6.4 billion kilometers from the . Sun

The researchers hope that the new image will help to clarify the form of a celestial object more accurately calculate the diameter and weight of

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