Sunday, May 8, 2016

Scientists have discovered the fossilized remains of a reptile with a head-hammer – GISMETEO.Novosti

In China, we discovered two new fossils Atopodentatusa sample ( Atopodentatus unicus ) ?? the first known to science marine reptiles-vegetarians. The find sheds light on the structure of the skull and the way the power of the creatures living on Earth about 242 million years ago and is similar in size to a crocodile.



Previously, scientists believed that the jaws of a dinosaur look like a zipper. New remains, however, say that the creature’s head in its shape is more like a hammer and jaw ?? shovel, it collects seaweed.



The remains were found in the province of Yunnan by scientists from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The findings of researchers published in the journal Science Advances .

In order to understand how this animal was fed, the researchers bought a children’s clay and use it to reconstruct the skull. Instead, use a toothpick teeth.

Atopodentatus lived on our planet at a time when she was recovering from the mass extinction. According to scientists, the existence of these animals shows that life is restored and diversified at a faster pace than previously thought.


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