for the first time in the history of the train was overclocked to a speed of 100 km / h in one second. American engineers conducted the first test of high-speed transport system called Hyperloop
Hyperloop -. It is a new concept train, which put forward the idea of the founder of Tesla Motors Elon Musk. He offered to host a special form of a train in special tubes, where a low pressure is created. Sami trains should move in space with a magnetic cushion principle, whereby cars must not touch the surface of the rail.
The capsule will drive the linear motor. The role of the stator 15 act meter aluminum rail disposed at the bottom of the inside of the pipe. Such rails will be installed only once every 110 km. The whole system will work by electricity, so Hyperloop project can be called environmentally friendly (compared with airliners, for example)
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The first <- - / adman_adcode (middle)!> want to double-track route lay between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Although this route can be called a stretch: it is, rather, a conduit within which move the capsule. Pipes will be above ground on special supports. In an embodiment for happy wheels purely passenger want to use pipeline with a diameter of 2.23 m. The capsule will have two rows of seats fourteen seats in each. Another option is considered similar to a steam: in this case, people will be able to move inside the pipe with his car, and the pipe diameter will be 3.3 m, writes
In. test sample no brakes, so the brake the truck had with sand. But Hyperloop One is already working on a special braking mechanism, and by the end, the company promises to test such “sledge” in a vacuum tube and disperse them to 1200 km / h.
Elon Reaves Musk (eng. Elon Reeve Musk / iːlɒn mʌsk /; born June 28, 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa) – Canadian-American engineer, entrepreneur, inventor and investor.; billionaire. SpaceX founder companies and (the latter was merged with Confinity, renamed PayPal and sold in 2002 for $ 1.5 billion, and in 2015 was estimated at $ 44 billion).
The founder, owner, CEO and chief engineer of SpaceX; Chief designer (Chief Product Architect), CEO and head of Tesla Motors board of directors.
Part of the company’s board of directors SolarCity, founded by his cousins.
In the Forbes magazine ranking in 2015 his fortune is estimated at $ 12 billion
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