Launch vehicle” Soyuz-2.1a “with the Russian spacecraft” Lomonosov ” “Aist-2D” and nanosatellite SamSat-218 at the launch complex Vostochny cosmodrome, April 27, 2016
«Roscosmos” commission studying the cause of the initial start-up transfer from the Baikonur East, found that an error was made in the development of design documentation. She made the translation of drawings from paper into electronic form
As has found out “Roscosmos”, the problem of cable management equipment of the launch complex, which led to the transfer of the first launch from the Baikonur East, occurred due to an error made in the preparation of design documentation
«The reason for cable failure -. error made in the development of design documentation in translation of drawings from paper to electronic form. An error was made in the course of manufacture of the basic set of cables (cable produced and adopted the technical control department in December 2014). Error classified as the design, “- said in a statement,” Roskosmos »
The Commission also recommended that the company’s management” automation NGO “JSC (the manufacturer and the cable designer) take measures to prevent a design defect documentation for other orders.. In addition, NGOs Automation recommended to strengthen “supervision of the implementation of notification of change of design and technological documentation” and to analyze and adjust the program-methodical documentation.
The first launch from the East was to be held on April 27 but a minute before the start it was postponed for April 28. Later it was reported that the failure occurred because of an error test and measurement equipment. “The first launch was postponed for a day, as it turned out, not because of the rocket itself, it was in perfect order, but because of the control and measurement technology, which gave the wrong signal about the fact that refueling is not, as it turns out, was “- reported on April 29, President Vladimir Putin. He emphasized that “the issue in the elementary, as it often happens with us, either in the cable, or welding, or in the rocket itself».
Later, the newspaper “Izvestia” reported that a state commission to investigate the causes the failure of the first launch from the Baikonur East found that the problem arose because of a faulty cable. Source in “Roskosmos” specified that installed in the rocket cable does not meet the requirements of the design documentation and found himself without a few necessary jumpers.
After the transfer of the first launch, President Putin ordered the service incompetence led NGOs automation Leonid Shalimov. Then Rogozin was reprimanded and severely reprimanded the head of “Roskosmos” Igor Komarov. Later Shalimov resigned.
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