In theory HyperLoop feasible project. But before the incarnation, in practice it is still a long way.
The concept of weighing billions of dollars
The idea of creating giperpetli owned by businessman Elon Musk, founder of Tesla Motors and SpaceX. He first proposed the project of high-speed transport, which is planned to disperse in a vacuum tunnel to 1.2 thousand. km / h in 2012. As explained by E. Musk, until the end of 2016 is planned to build a station with a tunnel, which will be located above ground on special supports. Disperse the capsule should be a special pin rail, the length of which is 15 meters, and it will be located every 110 km.
According to calculations E. Mask, travel in a tunnel length of 600 km will cost passengers $ 20. And this the price of the project can pay off in 20 years. The plans – construction of highways in the United States. We also discuss the implementation of the project on the site of Bratislava – Budapest. And if you create a similar route between Moscow and St. Petersburg, the distance between these two cities, passengers will be able to overcome in about 35 minutes.
As E. Musk says, to create HyperLoop in the United States for its initiators managed to raise more than $ 100 million investment.
The project in Russia there are devotees
HyperLoop initiators to create the route between Moscow and St. Petersburg and recruit supporters in the Russian Federation. “This is our standard model: we first attract a private investor, and then ask to participate in the project of the state.” – Said the CEO of the project Bebop rowing
One of the first in a series of adherents giperpetli in the Russian media has been called holding the “Amount” prominent businessman Ziyavudin Magomedov holding in Russia. He has created a venture Caspian VC fund.
According to the director of the Caspian VC Bill Shore, the fund specializes in venture capital investments in the types of businesses that are working on technologies that can help you reach the level of the global players. “We offer them not only financing, but also the opportunity to communicate with potential customers” – said B. Shor. According to him, the project of creating giperpetli in Russia is interesting, therefore, fund and invested in HyperLoop.
«We think that he has a great future. Russia could become a key element of the global transport system, which will connect and Asia, and Europe, and Africa, “- said B. Shor. Discuss who can build giperpetlyu in Russia, to supply metal to pour concrete, it makes sense now. And such study conducted. Indeed, as suggested by B. Shor, a few years later in Russia may also appear giperpetli experimental site.
From theory to practice a long way
However, experts estimate at the moment these plans are skeptical. According to independent analyst Dmitry Adamidova like transport in the form of an industrial design may appear no earlier than 2027.
The first pre-production model giperpetli be able to test for a sufficiently extended area real in 2020. And the alternative that promises to provide E. Musk, will move at a speed of 560 km / h, which is twice less than originally promised.
If this pattern would be workable, the innovation rolling stock will start to implement in industrial series. And it will take at least 7 years. When it comes to the construction of physical infrastructure, to predict difficult: put the support to the pipe, mount the equipment in them – it is all due to the huge costs.
In addition, E. mask sets are no purely practical solutions will enable the project turnkey. “It is understood that the number of technical solutions that need to be further tested, comes to fifty” – said D. Adamidov. All technical complex giperpetli in the best case can be presented only in the 2025-2027 gg. . When passing all tests
As far as this project can be replicated – it is another question. Especially in the Russian context. So long as the possibility of creating an innovative route between Moscow and St. Petersburg to speak early. While clearly only one thing: from a scientific point of view, the idea can be implemented in practice
Legislators silent
According to the head of the Scientific-Educational Center of innovation development of passenger rail Anatoly Zaitsev, HyperLoop project has. both strengths and weaknesses. “However, the key problem is that in Russia today is not determined the most important thing: not specified how it should be high-speed transport, the principles on which it should develop in the transport strategy” – said Zaitsev. And if there is no corresponding line in the legislation, it is possible to build, for example, a new highway or railway, but not giperpetlyu magnitolevitatsionnuyu or highway – the project was not realized with the innovative nature of the infrastructure. It is not provided.
Research and Education Center has long been suggestions about the innovative transport prepared and handed over to the Ministry of Transport. Any legislative initiative on this subject by scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The difficulty is that the law does not specify the technology that can be implemented for the organization of transport at high speeds.
In domestic specialists have their own development and has the potential investors who are ready to participate in the creation of transport using levitation. Submitted sample and rolling stock. But in practice, the construction of any high-speed rail, which is not a railway to start at the moment no one can. And progress on the legislative level is not happening in this regard.
Alexander Solntsev
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