Sunday, May 8, 2016

In which country is the longest sleep? – The Russian Times

If you think that people around the world the same sleep, deeply mistaken. It turns out that everyone is sleeping for as long as it provides the mentality, and does not even know about it.

The American scientists have studied the question as to how long people sleep in different countries of the world. They found that in all countries people sleep different amounts of time, what affects several factors.

First, it is worth noting that, for example, in the European countries decided to eat no later than six in the evening and only after few hours to go to sleep. Consequently, the rise in these countries will be early enough.

But if a man reaps only about 10 in the evening, then wakes up, he is not too early at dawn, but much later.

Scientists have learned that the people of Singapore and Japan, sleep longer than the Dutch. If in Japan, on average people sleep 7:00 24 minutes, then in France, on average the population is sleeping for 8 hours, while in the Netherlands -. 8 hours 12 minutes

As researchers found, the main thing that determines the duration of sleep, – it is generally accepted in each country bedtime

the later the country decided to go to sleep, the less people sleep a night.. At the same time, when the country decided to start the day, almost no effect on the total duration of nighttime sleep.

There is a clear mismatch between our desire to sit longer in the evening and need our body to get up early in the morning, said one of the researchers, Professor Daniel Fordzher.

«Society pushes us to the fact that we went to bed later and later, and our biological clock trying to make us get up early, as a result suffers from the duration of sleep, and this is how we believe is part of a global crisis of sleep, “- he told the BBC BBC

according to the scientist, it does not matter how much is put in the morning alarm clock, but the fact that people in a particular culture do in the evenings. – Do sit tight for dinner at 10 pm, returning there to finish the job in the office or doing something else, far from sleep and rest.

The study also found that women, especially those aged 30-60 years, the average sleep for half an hour longer than men, and people who spend most of the day in the daylight tend to go to bed earlier

The researchers also found that the nature of sleep changes with age. young people can sleep haphazardly that is, to go to bed and wake up at any time, but as we age, this body’s ability to change.

Professor Akilesh Reddy of Cambridge University, commenting on the data, said in an interview with BBC BBC that all the previous studies conducted in the laboratory, could not identify these regularities

«The main thing, as evidenced by this study, -. our biological clocks programmed us to perform certain functions that we are not able to fulfill, as guided by social norms . How will this affect us in the long term, we are still a long time do not know “- he believes

It is already known that irregular sleep for those who work in shifts, leading to various diseases, including type 2 diabetes. .


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