Thursday, May 12, 2016

In Nevada, we conducted the first test Hyperloop technology – BBC

Elon Musk presented the alpha version of the project superfast land transport Hyperloop ( «Giperpetlya”) back in 2013. At this point the idea was picked up two large companies – Hyperloop Transportation Technologies and Hyperloop One (formerly Hyperloop Technologies), – engaged in developing parallel

Hyperloop One of the first was able to reported about the upcoming launch of its raw version of the future product.. The proper name of the company changed it to avoid confusion in the name of two completely independent projects.

The launch was appointed on the 11th of May and has created a buzz around themselves not weak. Indeed, after three years of development time has come to show the property to investors and the general public, what has been achieved in the field of implementation of the long-term and ambitious project.

Nevertheless, many of the first test might disappoint , although most of the test site has gathered an impressive cheering crowd.

during the test, the prototype vehicle from Hyperloop One was able to accelerate to 187 km / h in 1.1 seconds, reaching 2,4 g acceleration in . In total, the capsule broke a little more than 100 meters, and then start an abrupt halt. According to the chief technical director Hyperloop One Brogan Bembrogana, this acceleration will be felt in the same way as during takeoff. Elon Musk, by the way, it is assumed that the acceleration in capsules Hyperloop will not exceed 1 g and is much easier to be perceived by passengers.

In addition, the very being tested setup was far from expected levitating capsule, moving in tubes with rarefied air . The prototype was moved to the most common rails and power is received through electromagnetic elements located under the installation.

The very Bembrogan was pleased with the results of the first test. “Perfectly. I want to see that everything went perfectly as planned. Yes, it was cool, “- said Chief Technology Officer

The final project, which tests Hyperloop One has set the end of 2016, will look much more futuristic.. According to the precepts of Elon Musk, “expensive” for the capsules will become a special tube, which is evacuated, the pressure will be 1000 times less than atmospheric, and most do not need transport rails. And most importantly – the rate of increase up to 1200 km / h (about 335 m / s). CEO Rob Lloyd, who joined the project in September 2015, noted that transport goods by developing them can be as early as 2019, but the passengers -. In 2021.

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«We are experiencing a large-scale rapid construction with the involvement of robotic welding. The technologies that will allow us to get closer to the ideal level of production. The fact that, according to the expectations of people, will take years, must fit into quarters », – summed up Lloyd

However Hyperloop One until he reveals some of the technical details, such as the source. food and final appearance. Musk offered feed installation by solar panels. Himself a billionaire and inventor, by the way, is the chairman of SolarCity’s board of directors, which develops solar panels and batteries for electric cars.

However, before the official start mask technology and Co. will have to meet with the mass difficulties .

that’s why some experts look at this project with skepticism. And if technological difficulties, engineers are working on – then bureaucratic moments is one problem – quite different. Even if the company will be able to build a fully functioning prototype, it will get a lot of approvals and licenses, including those from the environmental authorities. There are other problems

Meanwhile, the main competitor Hyperloop One -. Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) – has not yet presented a working prototype. It is known that in March, the company signed an agreement with the Slovak government that it will build a section between Bratislava and Budapest. HTT is a key figure SpaceX president Gwynne Shotwell.

The above Hyperloop One test also raised the issue of business-race, in which the technologies themselves go by the wayside. Indeed, the company revealed that development is carried out successfully, but their transport is able to reach speeds of one second over 100 miles per hour. But this demonstration there were also quite selfish ends, because the first one shows the technology, and he gets the money and glory.


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