Sunday, March 6, 2016

“VKontakte” has refused to negotiate with the Association for the Protection of copyright – RSUTE

Moscow / 06.03.2016 10:15 /

From negotiations with the owners refusing to “VKontakte”. According to the press service, the collaboration between the company and the Association for the Protection of Copyright on the Internet is not planned in the near future.

Recently, the media message appears stating that the lawyers for the protection of the Association copyright the World Wide web have filed a statement of claim on the administration of the popular social network. Filing a claim in court was a reaction to the publication in the community use of copyright musical work “Metro 2033 ,. The right to power “and” Arvendeyl “. The amount of marine action in two works amounted to 100 thousand Russian rubles.

According to representatives of the company’s social network, now any question of the administration intends to solve only in the legal plane.

It should be reminded that this is not the first lawsuit filed by this company. In February 2014 the publishing house “Eksmo” also sued the company in advance. Two years ago, they were accused of illegal publication of literary works:. “Fifty shades of gray”, “Tanya Grotter and the Magic Double Bass” and several popular books

We were unpleasantly surprised by the fact that during the negotiations on legalization of book content in “VKontakte” the most convenient way for our users work together on the issue suddenly turned into lawsuits against us, – is spoken in the press service of “VKontakte”. – It is obvious that AZAPO substitute for the real interests of authors, which it is, and readers play in self-praise. Such steps deprive her chance to build a long-term operating model in the digital environment.

Several “News” sources close to the “VKontakte”, said that after AZAPO filed suit in the Moscow City Court to adopt provisional interim measures , social network management met with the owners and discussed different mechanisms of content legalization, in particular, its monetization

«VKontakte” agreed on what to make content partially free:. the user sees a part of the book, but in order to finish reading, you need to go the site owner. Trying to implement such a mechanism undertaken with Apple. The application “VKontakte” for iOS user can listen to only a part of the music recording, and to get the full record had to buy it in iTunes. Such a mechanism does not get popular, and soon the music section has been removed from the “VKontakte” app for iOS.


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