London, March 7 2016, 00:24 – REGNUM The researchers found discrete education in the haze, viewed over the surface of Pluto, the largest object located on the edge of the Solar system Kuiper belt. It is likely in the atmosphere of the former ninth planet has a cloud, according to the portal New Scientist.
The detailed pictures of Pluto surface were made in July last year, but scientists are still debating the likelihood of the presence in the atmosphere of the dwarf planet’s clouds. The situation is complicated and that the spacecraft New Horizons, Submitted over a series of high-quality images, now continues to move away from the Earth, with gigabytes of data on board. Contact probe considerably difficult, a full data package on Pluto, scientists can get only at the end of the year
According to the scientists, the composition plutonovskih clouds, in the case of confirmation of their existence is the same as the atmosphere of the dwarf planet.: nitrogen with traces of methane, acetylene, ethylene, and ethane. A detailed analysis of the available images New Horizons probe team plans to publish in the journal Science.
Recall stone Pluto, which differs in structure from the gas giant Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptura, no longer considered the ninth planet of the solar system in 2006 . Now this cosmic body belongs to a class of dwarf planets orbiting the central luminary in the composition of the Kuiper Belt. An equivalent of the heavenly bodies on the outskirts of the solar system found at least three:. Haumea, Makemake and Eris
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