Friday, March 11, 2016

Scientists have learned how to teleport information – REGNUM

Berlin, March 11, 2016, 09:41 – REGNUM The German scientists were able to instantly teleport information about the properties of matter, the press service of the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena.

This is a data teleportation from one laser to another laser beam through a device which performs a light version of the logical operation CNOT ( «or»).

In the course of the experiment instant information about the polarization of the laser beam was produced. Despite the fact that teleportation was performed at a very close distance, the experimental results are very important for science. It was previously thought that such processes are only possible at the quantum level. Experiment German scientists proved that the instantaneous teleportation of information is quite possible at the level of ordinary physics.

The study authors emphasize that their method is not designed to move in the space of a living or nonliving matter. The first results of the experiment can be used to create a fundamentally new communication channels for more rapid transfer of information in computing devices.

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