11.03.2016 19:48
German physicists announced the successful teleportation session. Researchers at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena managed to teleport information about the properties of matter at small distance. The first process is not at the quantum, and on a normal level within the laws of classical physics.
in the scientific work that scientists published in the Cornell University library, physicists talk about how he was the first to find a way to transfer information about some of the properties of matter can not the world of quantum physics, and the “regular” macro world, using a set of laser beams in a special way connected with each other.
Previously, scientists have managed to carry out the quantum teleportation, which is a transfer of a quantum state at a distance by means of detached coupling in space linked (confusing), and a pair of classical communication channel, in which the state is destroyed at the point of origin during the measurement, and then recreated at the point of reception. The term established through published in 1993 an article in the «Physical Review Letters» magazine, which describes what is a quantum phenomenon is proposed to call “teleportation” (eng. Teleporting) and how it differs from the popular science fiction “teleportation”. Quantum teleportation is not sending energy or substance to the distance. A mandatory step in quantum teleportation is the transfer of information between the departure points and the reception on the classical, non-quantum channel, which may be no faster than the speed of light, thereby violating the principles of modern physics.
The first experimental realization of quantum teleportation the polarization states of the photon was carried out in 1997, almost simultaneously in groups of physicists led by Anton Zeilinger (University of Innsbruck) and Francesco de Martini (University of Rome). A recent experiment in this regard it is worth noting the experiment carried out in September 2015 scientists from the National Institute of Standards and Technology. They were able to teleport photons over fiber to a distance of over 100 km. The experiment used a single-photon detector with superconducting cables in the molybdenum silicide at a temperature close to absolute zero [
«elementary particles such as electrons and photons, there is, strictly speaking, in a special” smudge “condition, where their position in space can not be determined accurately. Within such a system, we can transmit information from one point to this “smeared” zone to another, without having to spend the time. This process we call quantum teleportation “, – explained the experiment by Alexander Zameyt from the University of Jena
To perform teleportation, scientists” confused “by the rays of special polarizing plates, rotating at a predetermined speed.. Rays after they passed through the device, which is one light CNOT logical operation ( “OR”), whereby information from one beam teleported second. In particular, the scientists were able to pass the information about the direction in which the laser beam has been “twisted».
One way to complete teleportation is the transport beam – a way to teleport an object when held its scan up to a position of atoms, then the original dematerialized (or he dematerialized during the scan), and the information sent electromagnetic transmission (or any other hypothetical or fictitious) in the car, which reassembles – materializes – the object to the place of arrival. Released in 1958 the movie “The Fly” demonstrates what can happen if the process of teleportation of this type goes wrong. Despite the fact that such a technology in principle, it is possible, it does not transfer the original, and creates a copy of it (, u) at the receiver, even though they themselves atoms (or ions) are all identical to each other.
Meanwhile, as noted by the authors of the experiment, while such teleportation is possible if lasers are arranged at a short distance from each other. However, according to experts, the successful completion of this experiment suggests that teleportation is a universal phenomenon in our universe, and not the exclusive feature of the quantum microworld.
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