Moscow, March 10, 2016, 14:58 – REGNUM robots promoters by the Russian company Promobot, aroused great interest of Chinese businessmen who have signed contracts for the supply of hundreds of robots in China, reports CNews.
A trial batch of five robots were purchased representatives of China in December 2015 at the exhibition Irex 2015. Further hundred copies were ordered by companies Promobot, a resident of the fund “Skolkovo”, after the review of Chinese businessmen with robots test batch.
This is a robot capable of working in a large flow of people and to assist them in navigating and consulting. Robots are able to communicate with people and understand human speech. Copies ordered for China, retrained in Chinese, but the developers intend to continue training machines, not content with their basic knowledge of the language.
Promobot successfully used in commercial, auto and business centers, and other places with large concentrations of of people. The base price of one copy is 10 thousand US dollars.
Currently, Promobot company and representatives of China to discuss the conditions of the joint production of similar robots in China.
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