Thursday, March 10, 2016

Regulation of public procurement of telecommunications equipment – TAdviser

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2016/03/09 15:59:23


2016:. Ministry of Industry proposes to limit procurement of imported telecom equipment

9 March 2016 it became known that state-owned companies and companies with state participation may prohibit buying foreign telecommunications equipment, if there is similar to the Russian. Experts say domestic solutions are such only on paper.

«Izvestia” wrote that the Ministry of Industry has drafted a government decree restricting foreign government purchases of telecom equipment. It is expected that it will be possible to buy only when there is no Russian analogues in the register of Industry and Trade, and in that case, if the product does not meet the needs of the customer.

The sponsors propose to introduce producers from the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union the same access mode on the Russian market, and that for domestic companies.

According to the deputy director of RBC Technology Alexander Kononenko, often related equipment for the Russian, completely is not, as most of the equipment is based on the foreign element base (mainly the Chinese) with the addition of Russian components.

Head of Cognitive Technologies Olga Uskov supports the ministry’s project. Uskov also advises the government to specify additional parameters for the procurement of equipment, to manufacturers to prepare for production of the desired models. [1]




As the state plans to cut foreign suppliers of telecommunications equipment

TAdviser familiarized with the presentation of the Deputy Minister of communications of the Russian Federation Alexei Sokolov from 27 November 2015 on the main proposals of the Ministry to support the import of telecommunications equipment.

The coordination of this work has been an interdepartmental working group and Telecommunications Ministry of Industry and Trade. Together Ministry intend to implement several initiatives:

  • the principle of “odd man out” – to restrict the admission of foreign manufacturers of telecommunications equipment procurement for state and municipal needs, in the presence of two or more orders of goods of Russian origin;
  • the granting of preferences for public contracts in the amount of 15% of the participants of order placement, enrollment contain proposals for the supply of Russian products;
  • mandatory testing equipment according to procedures developed by the Ministry of Communications in conjunction with the Ministry of Industry and with the participation of relevant agencies, to ensure the information security of the Russian Federation Unified telecommunication network;
  • Development of the Ministry of Industry, together with the mechanism of granting preferences to domestic telecommunications equipment similar to the mechanism implemented for the domestic software.

The restrictions proposed the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Industry, apparently, will apply to both government agencies and state-owned companies. The draft document of preference of 15% has already been published on the portal of the public discussion of legal acts and apply to competitions, auctions and requests for quotations for the purchase of software, hardware and services of all state-owned corporations, state-owned companies, natural monopolies.

The law on the limitation of procurement of foreign software applies only to public authorities, but on December 22 Russian President Vladimir Putin supported the proposal of the IT industry to limit the public procurement of foreign software is also state-owned companies.

« Due to a number of factors in the Russian Federation over the past 20 years was not their software development and hardware for telecommunications equipment. The exception was the company, partially occupying the narrow market of telecommunication devices, solving specific problems related to the security agencies, as well as OEM-manufacturers, who were engaged not so much in the development, as the import and adaptation of foreign decisions. Broad markets routers, switches, equipment for cellular networks, wireless equipment have been almost completely lost by foreign vendors, – says Sergey Nikulin, CEO “” . »

Eliminate the backlog, in his opinion, it was virtually impossible because of the lack of competitiveness or lack of production in the Russian element base.

Foster and factors such as the low exchange rate and international sanctions, Nikulin said.

All of these factors combined, in his opinion, give Russian companies a window of opportunity to take a significant share (& gt; 30%) of these broad markets in Russia and the countries of the Customs Union, and further qualify and global expansion.


Ministry of Finance and Minek not agreed on the proposal of Ministry of Communications

September 22, 2015 it became known that the proposals on the promotion of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian manufacture of telecommunications equipment procurement were sent back for revision of financial-economic bloc of the government.

As a local vendor support measures offered partial subsidies for the purchase of hardware expenses (including payment of interest on loans), the introduction of subsidies for the disposal of outdated foreign equipment and the provision of preferential access to the frequency bands in which It operates equipment of mobile Internet, which has the status of Russian origin.

In addition, the Ministry of Communications spoke about the need to open a credit line for operators, building the network in the Russian equipment, reduce the value added tax when buying, reduce payments to the universal service provision for the amount by which the operator has purchased domestic equipment, and simplify the certification of the Russian telecom products.

How to write “Vedomosti” in its issue of September 21, 2015, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Finance made the comments on the prepared project. In particular, according to the Ministry of Economic Development Representative Helen Lashkina proposed by the Ministry of Communications measures do not take into account the financial and economic consequences.

Partner King & amp law firm; Spalding Ilya Rachkov notes that in the framework of the World Trade Organization is prohibited import substitution subsidies, discrimination against producers only on the basis of origin and simplified certification, which is a so-called non-tariff barrier.

According to the representative of the Ministry of Finance, preferences for Russian manufacturers of telecommunication equipment should be financed from the state program “Information Society (2011-2020)”, which the Ministry of Communications has already allocated budget money. This department offers support domestic manufacturers of communications equipment to some extent already secured by applicable law, including in the tax, and the telecommunications industry is not so much affected by the crisis compared with others, said the Ministry of Finance. [2]


The proposal Ministry of Communications of preferences Russian telecom equipment

September 17, 2015 it became known that the Russian Ministry of Communications has prepared a proposal for the formation of a complex telecom equipment import substitution measures by granting privileges to Russian producers of these solutions.

According to “Kommersant”, deputy minister of communications Aleksei Sokolov sent to the Ministry of Industry and a number of other specialized agencies of the letter, which refers to the establishment of prioritizing the purchase of telecommunications equipment domestic authorities and companies with state participation in tenders.

The ministry offered first to “Rostelecom” test method of score of preferences to Russian telecom hardware solutions and planning system of public procurement for more than one year. For benefits to Russian producers will have to undergo testing of its products at the center in the field of telecommunications equipment competence, communication networks and software created in Ufa on the basis of “Rostelecom”.

According to Alexei Sokolov, Ministry of Communications is preparing for the consideration of the government draft legal act to limit the purchase of foreign telecommunications equipment at the expense of the budgets of all levels in the case of existing domestic counterparts. The next discussion of this issue is scheduled for September 30, 2015 during a meeting on the development of microelectronics, chaired by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In “Rostelecom” say the company has consistently implemented a range of measures to increase the share of Russian-made equipment purchased. At the same time close to the operator of the source publication points to the complexity of the implementation of this program. [3]


See also



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Last edit: March 9, 2016 <. /> p>

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