Tuesday, March 1, 2016

British scientists have scanned the grave of Shakespeare – BBC

«A friend, for God’s sake, do not dig the remains taken to this land; netronuvshy blessed through the ages, and cursed – tronuvshis my ashes “- these poetic lines carved on the tombstone of William Shakespeare – the greatest English-language playwright, from the pen of which came the famous” Romeo and Juliet “,” Hamlet “,” Macbeth “and” Othello. ” Afraid to be damned, the scientists are not at risk to explore the remains of a classic. However, recently it was reported that British specialists conducted a scan of the grave of the author with the help of radar. The study results will be announced in March. Scanning is timed to the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death

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According to scientists, radar survey of the graves of the author of “King Lear” will learn the details of his life and death, as well as tell the details of the biography of relatives buried next to classic. Next to the grave of Shakespeare in Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon, the remains of his wife Anne Hathaway, daughter Suzanne in-law, John Hall and her first husband’s granddaughter Elizabeth Thomas Nash.

The historians know that Shakespeare is engaged to Anne Hathaway when he was 18, and his lover – 26. Anne married, being pregnant elder daughter Susanna, – in this connection, there are many assumptions that overage girl seduced by a young poet, and later married him for yourself


it is interesting that Shakespeare, who died before the wife, bequeathed to leave Anne “second-quality bed with all accessories».

Some scientists have argued that their classic last wish to insult his wife. They argue other experts who say that the “second-quality bed.” – This is a family bed

Most of his property playwright, bequeathed to his eldest daughter, Susanna

the British researchers are considering the version that is located under the tombstones family tomb, as well as the assumption that Shakespeare’s tomb really empty. The scientists also hope to find out from which it died one of the world’s best playwrights. Different experts constantly speculate about the cause of death of the writer, for example, a paleontologist Francis Thackeray of the University of the Witwatersrand says that Shakespeare may have died due to the abuse of cannabis

By the way, Thackeray said. if the string invention in a noted weed (sounds like “invention in the famous grass” a literal translation into Russian) in the 76th sonnet suggests that the poet found inspiration in marijuana.

<-! place 4770197, /> science / 2012/09 / 14_a_4770197.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut2_link ->

a few years ago, Francis Thackeray even asked the British authorities for permission to open Shakespeare’s grave

The death of the playwright is shrouded in many mysteries and legends:. in particular, it is believed that the author died on his birthday, 23 April. At the same time there is no credible evidence that William Shakespeare was born at the end of the second month of spring. Another common version is that classic in the last years very ill. However, his illness only demonstrates the fact that shortly before the death of the playwright signed documents very bad handwriting.

British scientists have scanned Shakespeare’s grave, promised to communicate the results in March. The authors promise that they would be “amazing».

Earlier, experts carefully studied the paranoid fear of exhumation of William Shakespeare. According to scientists, it is vividly described in “Hamlet,” “Romeo and Juliet” and “Richard III». British scientist Philip Sueyzer believes that concerns about the inappropriate treatment of the remains can be found in almost half of Shakespeare’s plays – at least 16 out of 37. According to the expert, Shakespeare was one of those rare people who are afraid of desecrating his grave more than most . death

In the literary world on the theme of Shakespeare constantly break the spear, which is very symbolic (Shakespeare surname translates as “shake a spear»)

<-.! place 4762661, /> science ™ / 2012/09 /10_a_4762661.shtml,nm2015/v2/article/incut,incut3_link ->

Until now, many experts have questioned the authorship of Shakespeare and even suspect that this person never existed. In particular, some literary scholars have explained that many of the sonnets are addressed to men: Shakespeare was a woman

And even explained what kind of woman hiding behind the pseudonym

.. Some researchers believed that under the collective pseudonym of Shakespeare hid Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke, and her sons.

On the other hand, even more extravagant version of the great plays would make hand and Queen Elizabeth. Or, “her son” (according to the official version, the queen had no children), poet and playwright Christopher Marlowe, whose death (the poet was stabbed to death in a drunken brawl) was staged. Offered the role of Shakespeare and such iconic characters as Walter Raleigh – English courtier, statesman, poet and writer, historian, the Queen’s favorite of Elizabeth I

But the Russian researcher. Ilya Gililov offers on the role of Shakespeare Roger Manners (5 th Earl of Rutland) and his wife, Elizabeth Rutland.

A few years ago, the science department “Gazety.Ru” reported that in London, archaeologists discovered the foundations of the theater, which hosted the premiere of “Romeo and Juliet”. Not long ago, historians have confirmed the authenticity of the portrait of the playwright, made six years before his death.


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