Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The portal service earned Sputnik “satellite / Cinema» –

Search-service portal Sputnik started showing legal movie content, launched a service “Cinema”. With it, users can select and legally watch any movie from the library provided by the project partners.

The service is available at the portal Satellite navigation is on the proposals online theater you’ll ever need. The first project partners began Zabava,, Megogo, Tvigle and Tvzavr. Now based service available about 10 thousand movies, two thirds of them are available free of charge. The base film and the partners will be constantly updated and soon will also include a series.

Movies when ” Satellite / Cinema “are provided with a brief description and information about directors and actors, as well as a rating and recommendation system based on service Imhonet. If the user does not know what kind of movie he wants to see, he can set parameters to search for one or more of the 30 genres and year picture. For example, the user can select a musical from the 60s or a fantasy adventure + + family 2010-2015.

Mikhail Kozlov , Director of Product Development Satellite: «Today, much is being done to combat piracy on the Internet, restrictions on illegal content. But at the same time it is important that there was an active work to increase the availability of legal content. Not the fault of the user, that wanting to see the movie, he chooses the way and a resource that it familiar, more comfortable, or just happened to be the first. Most of them simply do not know that many popular movies are actually available in RuNet free and in good quality perfectly legal ».

Recall that the service poster also provides users with a large database of legal video , cooperating with the largest online cinemas Tvigle, Megogo, Sections also have legal video content and social networks Odnoklassniki and Moi Mir.

Taras Antyukhov , Director of Product REG.RU: «The opening of new directions in the operation of the satellites – a good sign saying that the project is not just for show or created development budget. On the contrary, it is alive and growing, managers are looking for new growth points and mechanisms for increasing traffic. So the new service “Sputnik / Movie” – is another channel to attract users. At the initial stage of film in base a little, but if in the future everything will be implemented at a decent level, the film can be a service for the satellite trafikoobrazuyuschim. For added convenience, users, developers could add to the “Sputnik / Cinema” aggregator services for the sale of tickets at movie theaters that are still in theaters ».


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