26.12.2015 15:49
Roskomnadzor has launched a test system control and detection of illicit content on the Internet media. According to the head of the supervisory authority, before the end of 2016 the system will be completed and will work in all regions of the country, the head of Roskomnadzor present data Alexander Zharov, according to “Izvestia».
«Analytical core – the main radio center. By the end of next year the project will be fully completed. Information today comes from 19 regions », – says Zhurov. – «The number of violations has increased at least twice. Our main goal is not to punish, as this new system. But we recommend to eliminate violations, and I think it will improve the quality of the media on the entire territory of Russia ».
Today, the activities of editors and journalists is regulated by the Law” On mass media “, where Art. 4 listing has forbidden to publish information. The media should avoid materials that contain «public calls to terrorist activity or publicly justifying terrorism and other extremist materials, and materials that promote pornography, violence and cruelty, and materials that contain foul language» . In addition, it is forbidden to disseminate information «about the ways how to develop, manufacture and use, places of purchase of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, propagation of any advantages of using certain drugs, psychotropic substances» .
Roskomnadzor in 2013 turned to the Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences for an explanation of what can be considered swearing. The results of the research has been accepted Edin determination that the mat are considered four words of Russian language and their derivatives: «obscene symbol of the male sexual organ, obscene symbol of the female sexual organ, obscene symbol of copulation and obscene designation women dissolute behavior, and All of these words derived from linguistic units ».
When Roskomnadzor recorded violation should not be any punishment, but it makes the media card. But two or more warnings in a calendar year, give the supervisory authority the powers to apply to the court for the revocation of the license of the media. In addition, Art. 13.15 of the Administrative Code (“abuse of freedom of mass information”) contains the liability for violation of Art. 4 of the Law “On mass media”. Depending on the type of violation can be fined in the amount of 5 thousand. Up to 1 mln. Rubles.
Zharov also said that the new software and hardware Roskomnadzor analyzes, except for the main text, other comments and forums .
«In accordance with the decision of the Supreme Court, we, if we reveal comments (with the forbidden information), it will inform the media and they have 24 hours to remove» , – said Zharov.
The hardware-software complex Roskomnadzor analyzes text component sites. If there is a multi-media files, it analyzes their description – and, if it considers that there is prohibited content, then sends the data to a “manual” test analyst supervisory authority.
Earlier Roskomnadzor planned to start monitoring extremist materials around Internet. But this idea was abandoned.
«After discussion and analysis, we have concluded that the current situation with budget financing, we wipe the Internet can not – said Zharov. – We analyze online media. We did not touch the rest of the space ».
« We believe that Roskomnadzor will be more quality to fulfill its federal functions with the use of new technologies. What’s bad about it? Other agencies also have to carry out their mandate efficiently, – said Alexey Kazakov, a member of the Duma committee on information policy. – If we talk about freedom of speech in its pure form, it is in our country a lot of talking is allowed – for example, when compared with the United States. We have more opposition publications. Honest people have nothing to fear. And the comments and forums it’s time to monitor: there is a lot of dirt and any improper conduct. All this is anonymous and does not comply with the legislation ».
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