Biologists managed to solve the riddle of how during the existence of the ancient reptiles dinosaurs could swim. Over this question the scientists fought 200 years, since in Dorset was found the complete skeleton of a prehistoric reptile, writes the BBC.
Amateur paleontologist Mary Anning found the bones of a prehistoric plesiosaur in 1824 in Dorset, and since then, the question of how it is barrel-shaped creature with four legs, a long neck and small head, could swim, remained in question.
200 years ago, it was the first discovery of nearly complete set of bones of this animal, and a name for it yet invented did not have. In his notes paleontologist scientists wondered how could a huge creature swim, how to use four of his limbs like wings. The debate continued up until today. A computer simulation based on the movements of animals Jurassic showed that movement by which a huge body of plesiosaur jump in the water and move under water, resemble the movement of penguin.
The computer calculated that the plesiosaur could dive into the water as Penguin using forelimbs like paddles, and rear management. He worked on that study, Dr. Adam Smith of Nottingham Museum of Natural History.
Here is the virtual model of the smallest plesiosaur found in Germany
As explained paleontologist, the dispute was about the use of all four limbs for rowing as a paddle boat or a plesiosaur moved them up -down, as do penguins and aquatic turtles. Computer simulation has suggested that it was a combination of the first and the second.
«Our study showed that the movement of limbs up and down was most likely”, – explained the scientist Bi-bi-si.
“About the same as it is today floating turtles and penguins. Penguins literally fly under the water, “- said the scientist.
front or back?
The study, published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE, was carried out by computer simulator. His work was based on the skeleton of a plesiosaur Jurassic, found in Germany.
This is the skeleton is the most complete set of bones plesiosaur since remained intact all four limbs of the animal. However, it is also one of the smallest of all the found skeletons of similar animals – just three meters in length.
Most likely, it looked like a plesiosaur
Computer modeling has shown that the hind legs of the animal is not strong enough push, according to Dr. Smith and his colleagues at the Institute of Technology in Atlanta.
«We assume that the plesiosaur used mainly forelegs to move under water, and the rear room for maneuver and stability”, – reported in the study.
The fierce predators
Plesiosaurs belonged to the order of fossil reptiles that lived from the Triassic of the Cretaceous Period (200 – 65 million years ago).
They are a kind are unique animals, as were two couples limbs, similar to the wings, and have been perfectly adapted to life in the water.
A giant predator kronosaurus – family member korotkosheih plesiosaurs
Paleobiology Dr. David Martill of Portsmouth University, says a new study suggests that smaller plesiosaurs as the main driving forces used forelimbs. According to him, yet to know whether to use large plesiosaurs forelimbs as actively as small animals.
«Perhaps the largest individuals eat as well as modern crocodiles, – he said – in this the case of the hind limbs could be used for the rapid rotation of the body ».
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