Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court for Economic Affairs Oleg Sviridenko defended his doctoral thesis “The concept of insolvency (bankruptcy) of the Russian Federation: the methodology and implementation of the” March 3, 2011. In May 2015 he became the subject of an investigation Sviridenko community “dissernet” which found in the dissertation incorrect borrowing . For example, in his work Sviridenko provides for the results of their own study some passages from the work of VV Queen “features of bankruptcy legislation in the United States».
«First we reported that dissovet, where he once defended his thesis amazing Sviridenko, disbanded and consider our application as if no one, – said at the community site “dissernet.” – Then he sent a notice that the case Sviridenko deflated some reason in the Saratov State Academy of Law. And now – a new dramatic turn. Consideration of the application of deprivation of scientific degree Sviridenko returned to Moscow. And not just in Moscow, but in dissovet D 212.123.04 at the Moscow State Law University. OE Kutafin (MSLA). From all other existing light dissertation councils the council D 212.123.04 differs in that it is itself a member Oleg Sviridenko.
That is Oleg Sviridenko asked to consider their own Statement of depriving himself, Oleg Mikhailovich, scientific degree of the use of “incorrect borrowing».
Department of Science Correspondent “Gazety.Ru” at the meeting itself was not allowed, citing the fact that “free Places not, can not stand, and with its chairs, too, can not go. ” But offered to watch online broadcast of events (though the camera is not shown, for example, who voted for deprivation Sviridenko doctorate and who abstained from voting).
Sam Sviridenko unknown the reasons for the meeting did not come.
During the meeting, it was suggested that Sviridenko could not cite public regulatory frameworks. But at the same time members of the commission agreed with the fact that the thesis of the vice-president of the Supreme Court for Economic Affairs has a number of loans with no links to the original sources.
During the discussion, the representative of the community “dissernet” Andrew Zayakin reminded that the thesis Sviridenko contains Drawing from the website of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. In addition, Zayakin said that Sviridenko made incorrect borrowing from earlier studies by other authors, replacing the word “England” by “the United States».
«When instead of England written US and the rest of the text remains the same as it is called – the falsification and manipulation of scientific research, “- said Zayakin.
«I think, respected members of the Commission made the mistake of trying to lead a conversation about undeniable coincidences, trying to qualify it in terms of criminal and civil law – said Vasily Vlasov, MD, President of the Inter-regional public organization “Society of evidence-based medicine.” – It should be qualified in terms of the rules of scientific work and the requirements that apply to defend his dissertation. You drew the conclusion that, despite the fact that the text copied from earlier sources, however, it creates some new edition, which is highly appreciated by assigning the degree of Doctor.
I urge the Council to adopt a dissertation only possible honest decision – the decision to refuse the assignment of a scientific degree of master Sviridenko. Thank you ».
But the members of the dissertation council did not heed Vlasov said 17 people voted to Sviridenko was a doctor of jurisprudence, two abstained from voting. However, the decision MSLA is only a recommendation to the WAC, which will make the final verdict, will the level of vice-president at the Supreme Court.
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