Sunday, December 13, 2015

The development of artificial intelligence have allocated $ 1 billion – commander

As the front of the center will not be any financial obligations, the scientists will be able to focus on the positive impact on human artificial intelligence. Today, the founder of Tesla and SpaceX, along with other tops of Silicon Valley announced the creation of a scientific non-profit organization, which will deal with discrepancies of artificial intelligence and the disclosure of advanced developments in the field of machine learning.

Guide OpenAI is going to the next years of use only a fraction of donations. Its aim is the artificial intelligence put to the service of mankind, but “without the need to generate profits.” This OpenAI understand how serious the issue is the creation of artificial intelligence.

«It is difficult to understand what benefits can bring the artificial intelligence level of the human mind, and equally difficult to imagine how it might harm the public in the event of improper design or use, “- emphasized in OpenAI.

Therefore, the authors of the idea believe that” artificial intelligence should be a natural development of the human will and shall be distributed as widely, freely and safely as possible. ”

Meanwhile, in November the leadership of the Japanese automaker Toyota announced it would invest a billion dollars in the project to create artificial intelligence.

Along with the intention to create artificial intelligence, scientists and technicians from different countries, including Elon Musk, in July signed an open letter against the creation of killer robots, the creation of which is being carried out very rapidly turned into an arms race.

Meanwhile, the British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking has warned that artificial intelligence can outstrip human self-reproduction and evolution, but other experts see no threat to humanity from the robots.

In November, their desire to invest a billion dollars in artificial intelligence informed the leadership of the Japanese automaker Toyota.

At the same time, scientists and art from different countries, including Elon Musk, in July signed an open letter urging to curb the arms race in the creation of killer robots.

In the past, the British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking told BBC BBC that artificial Human intelligence can get ahead in the self-reproduction and induced evolution.

However, other experts argue that the threat to human robots in the near future will not submit.

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