Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Handling of the Siberian Branch of RAS to President Vladimir V. Putin – REGNUM

Moscow, December 9, 2015, 17:19 – REGNUM

December 10, 2015 at the Scientific Session of the General Assembly of the RAS Academician Mikhail Kuzmin read the text of the address of the General Meeting of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences held on 4 December 2015, the President the Russian Federation in connection with the crisis management of the Russian fundamental science, provoked by incompetent actions of the Federal Agency of scientific organizations (Fano) in the implementation of the reform program of the RAS. IA REGNUM publishes the full text of the address of the SB RAS.

Top management of the Russian Federation, Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

To you members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, representatives of the intellectual and scientific elite of the country. We live in a difficult, difficult time, when the country imposed a complex foreign policy issues in which Russia has consistently advocated the right to conduct its own policy, subordinated interests, first and foremost, of our people. Such a situation in the history of our country develops the first time. And always in the hard times all the layers of our society rallied around the leadership of the country, morally and physically supporting its actions and policies. “Throughout the world, Russia has only two true allies – our army and navy,” liked to say Alexander III. We would add to this – and science. Indeed, when Russia is isolated and in a hostile environment, its scientific achievements increases dramatically. Suffice it to recall the Second World War, during which Russian scientists have provided for many years to come breakthrough position of our country in the field of nuclear energy, nuclear weapons, aircraft – and rocket, that is in those areas that still provide our independent position in the world.

The current situation also requires unity and cohesion of society and the active use of the scientific potential of the country, especially in those areas in which we were cut off from the rest of the world as a result of the sanctions pressure from the Western countries. This, however, prevents established after 2013 dual power system research. The Academy of Sciences, in fact, turned out to be detached from the formation of scientific policy. It replaced the structure of Fano, which initially focused on the management of academic assets. They seized the levers scientific organizations, though because of its incompetence not understand the meaning of scientific research. The actual results of Fano – is sharply increased bureaucratization of the scientific reports, this lack of respect for the leadership of academic institutions while their rotation directors, not taking into account the current age structure of scientific institutions, this failure to comply with the distribution of powers between the Academy of Sciences and Fano and the invasion of the agency in the zone of responsibility of Russian Academy of Sciences in particular to the formation of scientific policy and the definition of areas of research, reform and unification of scientific institutes in various fields.

Given the worrying international situation prevailing in the world and around the country, the need for consolidation of all forces of the society, including its Research body, to preserve the integrity and independence of Russia, we consider it necessary to hold an urgent meeting with representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and your personal participation on the restoration of the law declared priority role of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the planning of basic research.

We are confident that the Academy of Sciences is much better cope with this problem than any bureaucratic structure, and will do everything possible to return to our country the authority of the great scientific power.

The team of Siberian Russian Academy of Sciences.

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