Thursday, December 3, 2015

Astrophysicists explain the nature of the mysterious radio pulses from the depths of the universe – UNIAN


Astrophysicists explain the nature of the mysterious radio pulses from the depths of the Universe / NRAO

The results of study authors published in the journal Nature, and summarized them according to the website Nature News, reports

For the first time experts have found a quick burst was FRB 110 523 May 23, 2011 in the frequency range 700-900 MHz. Its source is located at a distance of six billion light years from Earth. Scientists have identified two types of his radiation polarization – circular and linear.

The features observed signal FRB 110 523 suggest that it originates and extends from the region of the universe with high magnetization. According to scientists, this region of space can contain a neutron star (in particular magnetar) or a supernova.

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The radiation, according to astrophysicists, could result starquakes – vibrations of the surface layers of the young strongly magnetized neutron stars. Such an object could as a result of his explosion to form not only the FRB 110,523, but blitzar.

Researchers believe that during its propagation FRB 110 523, except in the region of a strong magnetic field, went through two areas with highly ionized matter . The first of these should be located, it is estimated that a few hundred thousand light-years away in the galaxy containing the source FRB 110,523.

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Currently, the FRB 110 523 is considered the 16 th fastest proven radio pulse. In contrast, the other frequency signals are located in the range of 1.2-1.5 GHz are characterized solely by radiation with circular polarization. The first fast radio burst was detected in 2007.

The conclusions drawn from the study of archive of observations carried out during 650 hours. At present, the signal FRB 110 523 is the most complete study of this subject. Scientists hope to continue research and to open hundreds of new fast radio bursts. While experts do not summarize data on FRB 110,523 other such objects.


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