Friday, August 7, 2015

Found the most distant galaxy from Earth – Dni.Ru

Astronomers have discovered the most distant galaxy from Earth: it is located at a distance of more than 13 billion light-years away. This galaxy was designated EGSY8p7.

To determine the age of a distant galaxy, the scientists used infrared spectrometer MOSFIRE at the Keck Observatory in Hawaii, which is able to register the so-called Lyman-alpha line. According to experts, the people of Earth see it for what it was after only 585 million years after the Big Bang .

“We constantly observe Lyman-alpha line in the spectra of nearby objects, it is one of the most reliable indicators of star formation. But as we move deeper into the universe and thus observe it at earlier stages, space between galaxies is filled with more and more hydrogen clouds , which absorb the signal “- quoted by Tass astrophysicists at the California Institute of Technology.

According to scientists, the main thing in their study that they were able to register the Lyman-alpha line in the spectrum of the galaxy. According to theoretical calculations, the universe was opaque to such radiation the first 400 million years because of the fact that it is filled with neutral hydrogen. Then, as the appearance of the first galaxies starlight was neutral hydrogen to split into protons and electrons .

The researchers suggest that this process occurred gradually, forming the galaxies around it converts hydrogen to ionized plasma, ionized areas expanded and overlapped. Register Lyman-alpha line from the galaxy EGSY8p7 allows scientists to say that around some galaxies ionized hydrogen before the others around. Perhaps due to the fact that the ionizing radiation of the stars in these galaxies were particularly strong.

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