Monday, September 8, 2014

NASA’s Spitzer Telescope captures a possible emergence of a new planet – BFM.Ru

Scientists have made such findings, after witnessing a large-scale cosmic catastrophe

NASA’s Spitzer Telescope captured traces of large-scale cosmic catastrophe. Looking at the resulting collision of huge asteroids cosmic dust, which is located at a distance of 1200 light years from Earth, the scientists concluded that a similar event could occur several billion years ago, and in our solar system. Read also: Scientists have discovered a young galaxy with active star August 28, 2014, 19:33 ->

«The formation of rocky planets – it is a very messy process,” – Keith says Sue, an astronomer at the University of Arizona and author of a new study in the journal Science.

It is believed that the Milky Way was formed from the cloud of gas and dust where stars formed, and then the world. Initially, the planet is a massive body of spherical shape, consisting of rocks and dust. Gradually these boulders became so huge that their gravitational fields attracted more and more “building material».

The planets similar to Earth, formed when these “planetary embryos”-sized asteroid begin to collide with each another, says Sue. According to her, it was such a collision happened near the star NGC 2547 in the constellation-ID8 Sail.


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