Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Russian universities have improved their position in the international ranking – Russian Newspaper

One of the most prestigious rankings QS presented his list of the best universities. In all, 863 of the university, including 21 Russian university. This is three more than last year.

MSU rating QS rose compared with the previous year by 6 positions and finished 114th, St. Petersburg State University took 233 place, improving the result by 7 positions, Bauman stands at 322 place, and in the past year was 334-M. Great strides have MIPT, which has moved about 30 points closer to the top ranking, two of Tomsk University – State and Polytechnic – moved ahead by 40-50 positions. Rating QS now have MiFi, Saratov State University National Research, MISA.

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Recall leading universities who participated in the rating activity, evaluated on six criteria: credibility the scientific world, the ratio professorsoko teaching staff to the number of students, the reputation of employers, citation index, the proportion of foreign students.

According to the head of the International Department of the Ministry of Education Alexei Koropchenko, the state now puts great efforts to promote Russian universities.

– Before the task of universities to internationalize their work as much as possible. To this very pushes monitoring is important and responsible project “5-100″, which aims to support strong universities. The project involved 15 universities, but I think that at least 100 Russian leading universities could potentially enter the rating QS, – expressed his opinion Alexey Koropchenko.

As for MSU, according Koropchenko, too, to Incidentally, a graduate of the university, in the 90s MSU was the third university in Europe, and has kept its credibility. While QS rankings have not been, and now, unfortunately, does not account for many important achievements of university research, such as, say, the existence of its own satellites or supercomputers.

When asked WG on how affect the anti-Russian sanctions on scientific cooperation, Alex Koropchenko replied: “I do not think that this influence will severely affect the rankings. Anyway, on this ranking, it simply could not say all the experts poll long before results are announced.”

And if our universities will still be squeezed out of the Anglo-American rankings, there are other – Rating BRICS, for example, or a rating, which is Saudi Arabia.

Direct speech

Ben Sauter, head of research at QS: Improved performance of leading universities and generally stable behavior of Russian universities in the ranking is a reflection and a result of the efforts that are being undertaken in the country for the internationalization of higher education, in order to achieve compliance with international standards. However, despite the increase in the number of institutions that appear in the ranking, you need to make more effort if Russian universities want to take a more important position in the top of the global rankings.

Victor Sadovnichy, rector of Moscow State University: Rating – an effective and useful tool. The results of the ratings impact on public opinion. But we should not forget – each university has its advantages, which he can be proud of.

Nicholas Kropachev, Rector St. Petersburg State University: Reputation – one of the most important criteria of any organization. That is why the appreciation of our work on the part of the business and academic communities – indicative factor that allowed the St. Petersburg State University, and this year to strengthen its position in the ranking of QS and rise by 7 lines up.

This dynamic – the result of close cooperation of our university with major employers and business structures. Since 2014 representatives of leading companies are part of all educational commissions SPSU. Today, we sell dozens of joint educational programs, which are designed in partnership with key agencies, major players in the Russian market. In addition, information about the graduates of the University, in which the employer’s interest, is now publicly available on our website.

I note that the expansion of cooperation with the business community and major organizations, employers, we consider ourselves as one of the most important areas further razvitiyauniversiteta.

By the way

For the tenth edition of “QS World University Rankings 2014/2015″ were evaluated more than 3,000 universities, and overall rating includes more than 850 educational institutions.

Photo: depositphotos.com

Recently, there have been alarming reports that international journals refuse to publish articles by Russian scientists. Being denied on purely formal grounds, without even sending work for review. In fact, in response evasion: article for the magazine is not interesting. About this trend say our scientists, who previously had a lot of publications in Western journals. In their opinion, this is due to anti-Russian sanctions. This has already happened in 2008, when war broke out in South Ossetia.

It should be noted that the Ministry of Education deny the spread of sanctions on the publication of Russian articles. A rise in the number of failures, according to the ministry, associated with activation of local scientists, the sharp increase in the flow of articles in international journals. The thing is, now work as a scientist will be judged by the number of publications in prestigious journals, and they need to make a fuss.

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– The first time I hear about some restrictions for Russian scientists – said “RG” one of the most cited in the world of physicists Academician Valery Rubakov. – And among my friends scientists nobody talks about any bias against articles of Russia from international magazines. So I have nothing to comment on here.

surprised by the statement on sanctions to Russian scientists and other well-known scientist, academician Mikhail moody. According to him, refusing to publish may have very different reasons. Home – rose sharply in science competition. Prestigious journals literally inundated with articles. Especially in recent years, as China is a real workflow. The fact that Chinese scientists are paying good money for each publication. Whereas previously only the most reputable magazines demanded first to submit a summary of the article to the editor and then made the decision to send her to a review or not, but now this practice has been in many editions of the second tier.

– Since all articles more, and the attitude towards them becomes all the formalities, – says academician moody. – In the editorial sit young employees who do not really understand the science. They quickly look on the internet, who are the authors to send an article, they cited, that is looking for a formal reason for the refusal. All this costs the strong competition in science.

If the West yet we begin to seriously limit the publications that Russia has one decent response, says academician moody. It is helpful to publish a good international journals and reviewing control.


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