Sunday, September 28, 2014

Roscomnadzor will not block Google, Facebook and Twitter – Russian Newspaper

Roscomnadzor now maintains a record of internet sites mainly at the request of law enforcement agencies.

And the questions on the roster are made not necessarily because the resources have violated letter of the law, stressed in an interview with “RG” Press Secretary Office Vadim Ampelonsky. Russian site “Yandex”, “VKontakte”, Mail.Ru and “Rambler” is already included in the register.

Nearly two months of the amendments to the laws “On Information, Information Technologies and Protection of Information”, “On communication “and the Code of Administrative Offences (CAO). One of the innovations just refers to sites and systems to ensure the reception, transmission, processing and delivery of electronic communications network users. Such resources must register as an organizer Roskomnadzor dissemination of information and for the six months to keep “on the territory of Russia information on all the content that passes through their sites.

Roscomnadzor may on its own initiative to ask them to register. Now office is working with, Facebook and Twitter on their registration in the registry under the implementation of the so-called law of bloggers.

Roscomnadzor banished these companies notification of the need to register in the registry. They sent these requests for legal examination. And took a break to study.

“We do not rush them. See interest to fulfill the Russian legislation, “- said Ampelonsky.

Speeches of sanctions in relation to these sites does not go, he said. But if they shy away from enforcing the law, they primarily faces a fine of 500 thousand rubles. Blocking access to such a sloppy site is considered only as a last resort.

“Also, we will deal with them for the implementation of the law on personal data,” – said the source. Indeed, they should have servers on the territory of Russia.

But in general, as long as companies are cautious. example, Twitter sees Russia as an important enough market that clearly does not want to lose, but so far makes no representations regarding the opening of an office or employment is the official representative. Russian companies relate to the requirement to provide information about users normally. And before that law enforcement authorities may request information about those who write on their site. But it was necessary to order or request of the court.

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With the introduction of the law for web sites to change the status, and equated to telecom operators. And now they have to install additional equipment – a means to provide the functions and search operations. This company is considered unnecessary, the expert said. After all, on the lines of communication operators is already such equipment, and will dub.

As for the areas with the participation of foreign capital, which do business in Russia, they do not refuse dialogue with the authorities. They will even go out there to organize your servers for storing personal data, expert predicts.

Banks against hackers

Internet swindlers, inventing new methods of electronic robbery, stumbled upon an effective barrier of the Bank of Russia. Central Bank forced banks to tighten control over online payments and ATMs.

The new regulatory requirements set out in the Central Bank of N 3361-U. Trigger the emergence of new obligations for banks has become a dangerous trend of growth of such crimes, which are called phishing (English. Fishing – fishing). They make hackers using the site of the twin-bank. If it is identical to the original, you can get access to your passwords and logins customers and rob them.

Now, lenders should inform clients about the appearance of the web resources and false virus software. And on the front of the ATM must be placed the bank’s name, device identifier, phone number and e-mail addresses to contact the customer with the bank.

Prepared by Yaroslav Nikolaev


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