Monday, September 8, 2014

DIT will facilitate identification –

The Moscow government is considering extending the identification of users of public Wi-Fi networks through the use of these social cards.

This news agencies yesterday, the head of the city Department of Information Technology (DIT) Artem Yermolaev . According to him, the CIO has already agreed with the Moscow government to prepare a proposal for the organization of the user identification WI-Fi in the city.

August 13 entered into force on the decision of the Russian government №758 of 31 July 2014 on the limitation of anonymous access to Wi-Fi in public areas (see. news ComNews August 11, 2014). The document was signed within the framework of the so-called anti-terrorism package of bills.

August 18 the government approved another resolution explaining methods for identifying users (see. news ComNews August 19, 2014). According to him, operators will be able to identify subscribers on the mobile phone number or an account on the portal of public services.

According to Artem Yermolayeva, in addition to the basic models of user authentication to access the Wi-Fi in public places (SMS-authentication and through the portal of public services), in the upcoming proposal to the user will also be offered additional formats recognition. One of which is to identify through Muscovite’s Social Card (about 3 million units.). “That is, the citizen will be able to choose the most convenient way,” – said Artem Yermolaev.

Also, the CIO does not rule out the authentication of users for access to Wi-Fi in Moscow and through the universal electronic card (UEC) . “Already considered several options for identification, but until the final decision is still pending, – said the representative of the DIT ComNews reporter. – If we talk about the maps, the social map is a more suitable tool because of its relative mass distribution of Muscovites”.

Press office UEC yesterday clarified ComNews, that while DIT did not apply to the Company on the user identification to access the Wi-Fi in public areas.


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