Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Siberian scientists have created crystals that can jump and change color – RIA Novosti

NOVOSIBIRSK, March 9 – RIA Novosti Scientists International Tomography Center, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences created a new material that can change color under the influence of various factors, and even jump, reported on Wednesday edition of SB RAS “Science in Siberia. “.

The report explained that the new compounds react to irradiation and temperature. It is possible to create on their basis of sensors that respond to radiation

“If you leave them in normal conditions, for example, on the table, they will spontaneously jump for two to three months And it happens here whereby:.. The compound decomposes highlighting oxygen, which is stored inside the crystals gradually in their growing power, and these small tanks explode If the crystals are placed in a refrigerator, the move they will cease After a while, you can get it -… and the effect will be restored “- are words in the message Director of the ITC SB RAS Victor Ovcharenko.

The scientist noted that this effect is of interest not only for fundamental science in terms of the processes that occur in solids. According to him, in a sense, on the basis of the submissions received will be to create new sensors that react to light.

Ovcharenko said that in the tomographic center established compounds capable of changing color when the temperature decreases.

“Typically, the substance in such conditions become more pale, but our object is obtained exactly the opposite, their color deepens Organic paramagnetic centers suited to the metal, there is a strong band of charge transfer and intense absorption in the visible region.” – said the expert.

According to him, this effect can be very important to create display devices that operate at low and very low temperatures. For example, an astronaut working in space, will be able to better control the temperature. Also, such sensors can be used in the Arctic.


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