Friday, March 11, 2016

Russian Army in 2017 will start to get “smart” radios – Your city Pskov

«Combined instrument-corporation” (DIC) in 2017 will deliver the army of the RF digital radio MO1 updated generation, which can transmit data at 600 kilometers and run away from civilization. This told TASS authorized company. “Through the use of innovative technologies, in particular, self-diagnosis and Auto Select communication route, the newest radio station can be classified as so-called” smart “devices”, – informs the OPK. “Our new development will be able to work in the toughest conditions – in areas of active hostilities in the mountains and other difficult areas.” This technique is able to organize communication anywhere, in any unusual situations, even where destroyed or 100% absent the required infrastructure. “The beginning of serial production of the radio station is planned for the next year”, – quotes pr-service deputy general director Sergei Skokova company. This product realized a sixth-generation communication technology, including technology and software-defined and cognitive radio. RIA Novosti was informed in the press-center of the company.

«Manpack digital radio MO1 replace outdated equipment.” Shares GC “Rostec” is 9,3%.

Dinamo won a strong-willed victory over Karpaty
Dynamo Kiev won a visiting victory over Karpaty in the opening match of the 18th round of the Ukrainian state football championship. Goals in the match were marked Ambrose Chachua the “Carpathians”, but other than that Łukasz Teodorczyk and Andriy Yarmolenko from “Dynamo« «”

The structure of the company -.. No less than 50 institutions and organizations in the corporation also it includes one of the major research institutions branches -. FSUE “Central research University of Economics, Informatics and control system” ( “CRI EISU»)

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