Russia is developing a fighter aircraft of the sixth and possibly the seventh generation, said Commander VKS Russia. The details he did not say, however, noted that the sixth-generation aircraft will be presented and unmanned writes
Commander broadcast
Russia is working on the creation of the seventh-generation fighter, said Commander of Air space forces Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev. “If we stop, then stop forever. [Go] and the work of the sixth, and perhaps seventh [generation]. Many say I have no right, “- said Bondarev, responding to a question about the work on creation of the sixth-generation fighter (quoted by” RIA Novosti »)
According to him, the sixth generation of aircraft designed in manned. and unmanned. “He [the fighter] will be modified – and such and such an option,” – said Bondarev (on TASS quoted)
He added that the human body “has a limit”, while the apparatus for drone. “much more functional and unpretentious” and “can withstand any overload.” “Can you imagine what opportunities may have the option of unmanned fighter, bomber or attack aircraft?” – Said Bondarev
The commander did not specify how much time may be needed to establish such an unmanned aircraft, but made it clear that it is not the next. s.
Prior to this, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, told reporters after a meeting of military aviation development that design office “Sukhoi” presented the first development of the sixth-generation fighter. “We are currently talking about new zadelnyh papers that were presented very briefly CB” Dry “and chief designer, who was appointed over all the complexes and airborne weapons. It is really nothing of the idea to create the sixth-generation fighter, “- said Rogozin
At the same time, he noted that at the present time the Russian aircraft industry is” in a situation of a fifth generation fighter of the state tests. “. Rogozin stressed that now need to look far ahead in order to move to a new quality of Russian aviation.
Also, to save the position, said Rogozin, you need to rejuvenate the staff, to consolidate the industry, to engage its technological modernization and to cooperate with all those on whom the success of the cooperation. The first is the new radio-electronic technology and new weapons, said Deputy Prime Minister.
In July 2014 the head of the directorate of military aircraft of the United Aircraft Corporation programs (UAC is the owner of more than 85% of the shares of CB “Dry”), Vladimir Mikhailov said that the first battle of the sixth-generation aircraft will appear in Russia in the second half of the 2020s, that is, after about 12 years. At the same time he found it difficult to explain what exactly the new aircraft will be different from the previous generation of machines. to the sixth generation fighter requirements is only determined, said Mikhailov.
A few months later CEO of the Foundation for Advanced Studies Andrei Grigoriev during the forum “Open Innovation” reported that Russia has already begun to create the sixth-generation fighter.
generation fighter
a single agreement on the properties required for inclusion in a generation, no categorization is inaccurate and may experience differences over individual products. Widely accepted is the system identifies five existing generations.
Terminology generations is an informal, A. Hebert thought system is still controversial in 2008. It was also suggested several other systems (included some non-reactive and fighters). So, Richard Hallion in 1990. There are six generations that do not meet applicable in the XXI century:
Subsonic (1943-1950): Messerschmitt 262, Yak-15, MiG-9, F-84 with straight wings. The Mach number:. 0,75-0,85
transonic (1947-1955): F-86, MiG-15, MiG-17. The Mach number:. 0,9-1,05
Early supersonic (1953-1960): MiG-19, F-8. The Mach number:. 1,3
Supersonic limited use (1955-1970): F-104, earlier MiG-21 and Mirage III. The Mach number:. 2,0
The supersonic multi-purpose (1958-1970): F-105, F-4, the later editions of the MiG-21 and Mirage III. The Mach number:. 1,4-2,5
Highly supersonic multi-purpose: the F-14, F-15, F-16, F-18, MiG-29, Su-27. The Mach number:. 1,8-2,5
Now it is accepted to allocate five generations of fighters. fifth-generation fighter aircraft taken into service in 2001 in the United States, and Russia are in the process of flight tests. The search for the fifth-generation fighter image began in the mid 70-ies in the USSR and the USA, where the fourth generation of machines – such as the Su-27, MiG-29, F-14 and F-15 – have yet to make their first steps. On the paper were attracted leading industry research centers and EDO.
By 2014, the only accepted for service is a fifth-generation fighter F-22 Raptor. Flight tests are another five fighters: PAK FA (Russia), F-35 (USA), J-20 (China), J-31 (China) and Mitsubishi ATD-X (Japan)
<. strong> criteria 6 generations
in fact, on the basis of what criteria, a new fighter could be attributed to the 6-generation aircraft? Among the main, that they are called experts – autonomous flight. That is, the machine will not manage people, and your computer – automatically or by remote interaction with people. However, there are experts in the field of aviation, who say that the generation fighter 6 can be piloted. It is possible, allow the experts that the newest class of machines will be available in two technological implementations at the same time.
There is a version that the American airmen near unmanned concept and Russia, in turn, is one in which the aircraft will be operated by man . Designers from the United States, as noted in the number of sources is calculated thereby give fighters an incredibly high resistance to overloads, because the robot will be able to withstand them without any problems. The Russians, in turn, tend to believe that no computer is not able to operate the machine at the human level. However, in an environment of aircraft from Russia and many supporters and unmanned concepts. However, as noted by some experts, at this part of the Russian engineers are somewhat inferior to Western counterparts.
As a confirmation of this are unsuccessful tests of the latest models of unmanned vehicles, created in the Russian Federation. And because 6-generation fighter Russia, experts say, with some likely to create on the basis of the concept, which will manage people by plane. Among the other important criteria promising machines as experts call an extraordinary low profile. The current level of “stealth” technology provides protection from the aircraft air defense systems is not 100%. Moreover, if we take the most modern air defense missile systems, such as, for example, the Russian S-400, the “stealth” at current levels – is hardly an obstacle for them. However, generation fighter 6 is expected to experts, will be able to leave out of work, even the most technologically advanced air defense weapons by stealth.
One of the concepts fighter 6th generation
by the way, the above criteria can complement anti-air defense systems (missiles, decoys, etc.). The next criterion – a disproportionately higher rate of fighter compared to previous generations of machines. If now the fastest military aircraft flying from the index about 3 Mach, the 6-generation development is expected to be able to overcome the threshold of 5. Cruising speed (without the inclusion afterburner thrust) newest fighters, experts say, will definitely supersonic. Also it will be able to gain much faster. Quite possibly, the cruising speed of the future fighter aircraft will be identical today afterburning speed -. 1.5-2 Mach
One of the likely characteristics of the engines that are installed on superfast fighters – very high efficiency. Thanks to her, the planes can fly without refueling for a long time, and therefore carry a patrol on large distances with respect to their bases.
From the structural point of view 6 generation machine, as experts believe, will be very ergonomic. It is possible that the wing, for example, is mostly encased in the fuselage. There is a chance, experts say that fighters belonging to the 6 generation of the world will not be equipped with vertical fins. Perhaps at the heart of the aircraft design is the concept of “flying wing” (like the futuristic-looking B-2, which is on the US Air Force). How will look the newest fighter? Photography, which is lower, can give us a rough orientation.
What is the commander in chief because of VKS Russia, referring to the fighters of the 7th generation, is unclear.
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