Monday, March 7, 2016

Kibershantazh: a virus for Mac extorts money – BBC News

The American company Apple was faced with the need to take urgent measures cybersecurity – the first Macintosh computers are infected with malware, according to TASS

The program, called “KeRanger”, hitting the computer, encrypts the data, and then asks the user to pay. ransom of Bitcoins – digital currency that is very difficult to trace. Otherwise, all data on the infected computer destroyed. According to Ryan Olson, cybersecurity director of Palo Alto Networks, is the first in the history of Apple computers in case of the virus, which can really hurt.

Dangerous program was extended last Friday. Hackers uploaded it to the website Transmission of the program, which is designed to transfer data via BitTorrent torrent tracker. The virus was disguised as a new version of the program. After installing the program waits three days, and then encrypts the data, demanding for key 1 Bitcoin (about $ 400).

How to assure the owners of the site, at the moment the dangerous program is deleted, and users can download the new version of Transmission which automatically removes the virus disguised as her. However, those who have downloaded the program on Friday and did not have time to remove the virus, at risk of losing all of the data, because the virus is activated after three days.

Apple has said it is taking all the necessary steps to block and destroy the virus.

<-! div class="article__video-link-double"> for more information on the topic. Watch the video


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