Monday, March 14, 2016

Durov offered a job Snowden – Dni.Ru

The founder of the social network “VKontakte” and messenger Telegram Pavel Durov called ex-employee of US intelligence Edward Snowden my personal hero . According to Durov, the activities of the former agent has destroyed his ideas of the Western world.
Pavel Durov. Photo:

In an interview on the show “60 Minutes” that the CBS broadcast, Pavel Durov said that he could not imagine, is in the US and UK has a problem of “human rights violations and the invasion of the state into the personal lives of citizens.” “ The revelations Snowden changed my view of the western world and a democratic society, I consider him my hero.” – Said the Durov

The founder of “VKontaket” and Telegram also admitted that when the former. The engineers and the NSA came to Russia, he invited him to work in their social networks, but the Americans refused. “ I thought Edward could be interesting to deal with protection of personal data of millions of our users , but there was no response,” – admitted Durov

“As a citizen of Russia, I was grateful to him. he told the world about the surveillance of US intelligence for this he paid his own freedom, the freedom of movement “, -. notes Durov

Recall that Snowden in June 2013 gave the press a number. secret materials about US surveillance programs and special services of the United Kingdom on the Internet. He then flew to Hong Kong, hiding from prosecution by US authorities. Snowden From there he moved to Moscow, where he spent some time in the transit area of ​​Moscow airport.

Then, Russia granted temporary asylum to Edward for a year, provided that it will cease operations against the United States. August 1, 2014 Snowden received a three-year residence permit, which would allow him to travel not only in Russia but also abroad.

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