Saturday, March 12, 2016

Discovered in Australia spider floats and preys on fish – BBC News

Scientists have discovered and classified the new type of spider from Australia, which floats and preys on fish and other water directly into the water, then pulls its prey and eats it on the bank.

The spider, named Dolomedes briangreenei , I was presented at the World science festival, held in Brisbane. He talked about it to the public people, of which spider species got its name – a theoretical physicist Brian Greene (Brian Greene), a well-known popularizer of science, who played himself on the series “The Big Bang Theory.” It is known that the researchers call each other simply open spider – “Brian”

D. briangreenei lives near freshwater streams on the east coast of Australia (near Brisbane) and can slide along the surface of the water when it sees its prey. It rests on the waves like a surfer, hunting large insects, toads, frogs, tadpoles and fish, and then pulls its prey on the shore and there devours.

It is not only a good surfer, but also a good swimmer : rowing spider uses the middle two pairs of legs. To detect prey, he focuses on the vibration surface of the water

Dimensions unusual pet – a man’s hand

” These spiders are sitting on the surface of the water, and then, sensing prey, rush to her race, dive into the water, caught and pulled to shore – and only then start to her to eat, – says arachnology of the Queensland museum, Robert Raven (Robert Raven) -. The spider can stay under water for an hour, and kills and eats it insects, fish, tadpoles and even cane toads, that exceed its size three times I was even bitten by this spider, but for a man it is not dangerous – the bite just burning for some time and all “

this spider – is not the only piscivorous:.”. Vesti.Nauka “already wrote about the fact that these predators are found almost everywhere. “Brian,” belongs to the genus anglers spiders Dolomedes. See D. briangreenei in the near future will be able to any visitor to the Queensland Museum.


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