Wednesday, March 9, 2016

As Russian astronomers have “caught” the total solar eclipse in Indonesia – BBC

The total solar eclipse took place on the night of March 9, 2016 – its full phase began at 3 o’clock 16 minutes Moscow time. Watch it to be in Southeast Asia, particularly in Malaysia and Indonesia.

As a rule, in observations of total solar eclipses are involved

up to four million people -. both professionals and amateurs from all over the world

There was an exception and the Indonesian eclipse, where they arrived observers from many countries are on different islands along the total eclipse of the band <. /> p>

in recent years, in Russia, the most actively engaged in expeditionary studies of the solar corona group of Irkutsk heliophysicists, not missing a single total eclipse since 2006 (the solar corona – is the outer layers of the solar atmosphere, which can be observed during an eclipse) . The expedition was attended by the director of the Astronomical Observatory of Irkutsk State University, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Sergei Yazev and observatory staff member Puschino Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Mikhail Gavrilov.

village was chosen for observation Bouley, located on the east coast of Halmahera island (Indonesia).

To get to the island, astronomers had to overcome difficult hours of flights. March 3 author flew to Moscow, where together with Mikhail Gavrilov went to Singapore and then – in the Indonesian capital Jakarta. From Jakarta, scientists went to the city of Manado on Sulawesi island. The next day, the astronomers went to the island of Ternate, and only then – on the island of Halmahera. The decision to go to the most distant part of Indonesia due to the expected weather conditions. In the eastern part of the country the probability of good weather, on long-term data, looked a bit better than in other places along the solar eclipse stripe.

The duration of the total phase of the eclipse near Bouley was 3 minutes 8 seconds. Sun height at the time of the eclipse was 49 degrees.

The objective of the expedition was to obtain images of the corona of the Sun with different exposures for the analysis of its fine structure.

Participants IV Pacific Expedition ISU entered into data-sharing agreements with other observers. On the island of Sumatra near the city of Palembang worked expedition Sergey Maslikova from Novosibirsk. Another well-known Russian observer Alexander Manannikov eclipses are shooting on a small volcanic island off the west coast of Ternate, Halmahera.

The weather caused jittery. Even after the start of partial eclipse, when the Moon start blocking the solar disk, the sky was covered with clouds, and in the village of Buli, where the expedition began to rain located.

One of the groups of observers tried to catch up car leaving a gap in the clouds, but they failed.

could not see the crown and the majority of observers at the “Kartika Buli” on the outskirts of Bouley, where there were about two hundred people – locals on motorcycles, as well as hunters eclipses from Europe and America.

Through the suddenly appeared over Bouley gaps in the clouds member expedition Mikhail Gavrilov (for him it was the tenth edition of the total eclipse) managed to get the solar corona images, take pictures of the so-called

diamond ring (the edge when the sun peeks out from behind the moon), as well as” rosary Bailey “(chain of bright spots on the edge of the lunar disk, when the sun’s rays pass between the lunar mountains).

The pictures clearly shows a large prominence on the eastern edge of the sun.

The author of this text expresses the hope that the other observers too lucky. Crown, according to the tradition of recent years, again looks a little bit unusual. But the assessment given prematurely, will analyze the submissions received. Data processing will be performed in the Astronomical Observatory of Irkutsk State University and the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS in Irkutsk

The total phase of a solar eclipse is interesting to astronomers in that it allows the earth to see the solar corona -. the outer layers of the solar atmosphere, whose temperature It reaches several million degrees. The shape of the crown can draw conclusions about what stage the activity is the sun.


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