Sunday, July 31, 2016

Biologists: By 2100, disappear gorillas, rhinos, tigers and other animals – The Russian Times

Prior to 2100 in the world can be destroyed by some kind of animal. This was reported by an international team of scientists on the pages of the scientific journal BioScience.

The western gorilla, black rhinoceros, the Bengal tiger, wild ass and banteng (member of the genus of these bulls) are likely to become extinct by 2100 . Such conclusion was an international team of scientists published their study in «BioScience» journal

The American experts have compiled a list of animals threatened with extinction through 90-100 years. Such, according to scientists’ predictions, 6 families. By 2100, the ninth year in the world there will be no black rhinoceros, the Bengal tiger, the western gorilla, wild ass, warty pig and banteng. If you do not try to fix the situation, then our descendants will be able to get an idea about these animals only on pictures.

The team of zoologists from the American Institute of Biological Sciences published a report, according to which by 2100 the world will completely disappear, some representatives of megafauna. At the moment there Anthropogenic era when people are dominant mammals in the world, which has led to tragic consequences for other species. Larger specimens are generally at greater risk of extinction than smaller, stress the authors of the work, published in BioScience portal.

According to recent studies, about 59% of large predators weighing over 15 kg and 60% herbivores weighing up 100 kg are endangered. Particularly deplorable is the situation in Africa and Asia, where the gorillas, rhinos and big cats are exposed to the risk of destruction. Scientists eventually identified six families of mammals, which by 2100 can not be taken at all.

So, western gorillas, black rhinos, Bengal tigers, African wild ass, warty pig and banteng can only stay in the picture. The researchers call on governments of different countries to stop deforestation and other agricultural works that violate the natural habitat of wild animals.

Scientists have concluded that Anthropogenic era in which a dominant position in the nature of a person holds, has led to tragic consequences for many other species. Studies have shown that extinction, primarily threatens large individuals: currently threatened with extinction are 59% predators, weighing more than 15 kg, and 60% herbivores weighing up to 100 kg

zoologists Group published its. report concerning endangered species. So, say the authors of the work, by 2100 the world will completely disappear by representatives of the western gorilla, black rhino, Bengal tiger, wild ass and banteng. If nothing changes, then our descendants will see these animals only on pictures. The team of zoologists from the American Institute of Biological Sciences published a report, according to which by 2100 the world will completely disappear, some representatives of megafauna.

At the moment there is the era Anthropogenic when people are dominant mammals in the world, which has led to tragic consequences for other species. Larger specimens are generally at greater risk of extinction than smaller, stress the authors of the work, published in BioScience portal. According to recent studies, about 59% of large predators weighing over 15 kg and 60% herbivores weighing up to 100 kg are endangered. Particularly deplorable is the situation in Africa and Asia, where the gorillas, rhinos and big cats are at risk of destruction.

Scientists eventually identified six families of mammals, which by 2100 could not stay at all. So, western gorillas, black rhinos, Bengal tigers, African wild ass, warty pig and banteng can only stay in the picture. The researchers call on governments of different countries to stop deforestation and other agricultural works that violate the natural habitat of wild animals.

If you will not be taken any action, then later that our grandchildren will learn about these animals only from scientific encyclopedias as He remarked the study’s author. At this point, you can rectify the situation.


Overseas readers evaluated the images Altai Man’ula exhibited in a global web-network – Turkey Tourism News

Notifications about new observations cat Pallas aroused great interest among European readers, and expressive photos will not leave indifferent.

These shots were taken with camera traps in the second expedition «in the footsteps of the snow leopard,” which under the control of the senior scientific employee of the Altai Biosphere reserve Sergei Spitsyna from Novosibirsk volunteers participated, Yekaterinburg and Tomsk. In this edition we have affected the conservation of this unique Red Book species. I am here paused to say “Hello!” And “So far!»

Jocelyne, FRANCE:. «wonderful pictures Manul his round pupils, in the wild … Bravo …” “Bravo! Thank you to those who guard the treasure of the region “, – writes admiring nick

Pallas cat. (Aka – Pallas’ cat ) is brought in the Red Book

Tips. gray thick wool Pallas’ cat are white, why it might seem at first glance that the cat lightly snowing. Weight Pallas’ cat – about 5 kilograms. It helps him to hunt productive day and at dusk. He knows so well masked that even in the uniform open steppe, in the grass as tall as only 8-10 centimeters, it is very difficult to consider

Photos Man'ula from Altai Reserve touched  by Europeans


Living organisms are found in the Black Sea at a depth of almost two thousand meters – REGNUM

Tbilisi, July 31, 2016, 18:22 – REGNUM Scientists international expedition, conducted the research on the Black sea, we have determined that the maximum depth (up to two thousand meters) can inhabit living organisms other than anaerobic (performing their vital functions without oxygen) bacteria. The relevant conclusions drawn by researchers of an international group, composed of representatives of Georgia, Ukraine and the five EU countries. Preliminary research results on Saturday, July 30, the press service of the National Environmental Protection Agency of Georgia.

Scientific investigations have been carried out within the framework of the EU project and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) “Improvement of the Black Sea of ​​environmental monitoring” ) EMBLAS.

As researchers found during the processing of the collected in different parts of the sea biological samples, the former theory that the Black sea at a depth of 150-200 meters in the sour environment in the absence of oxygen can only upholster adapted bacterial forms of life are wrong. Living organisms have been discovered by scientists for 1960 meters depth, but the source did not mention any taxonomic characterization of detected organisms or their type of food.

In addition, the report indicated that during the execution of the monitoring of the Black Sea coast of Georgia has been collected 233 hydro-biological sample, including the deep regions. The scientists collected 62 samples of phytoplankton, mesozooplankton macrozooplankton and Ichthyoplankton -. 53, 48 and 48 samples, respectively, as well as 22 samples of zoobenthos

Let’s remind, the Black Sea has an area of ​​about 422 thousand square meters. km and its maximum depth is 2210 m.

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Biologists: By 2100, disappear gorillas, rhinos, tigers and other animals – Rosbalt.RU

 Until 2100 in the world can be destroyed by some kind of animal. This was reported by an international team of scientists on the pages of the scientific journal BioScience.

 Researchers have just analyzed, the rate at which certain populations are reduced. And as it turned out, the worst things in the western gorilla, black rhino, Bengal tiger, wild ass and banteng (a representative of this kind of bulls).

 “If humanity does not take any measures, our great-grandchildren will learn about these animals only from encyclopedias. The descendants will perceive the same Bengal tiger in the same way as we perceive mammoths and triceratops “, – said biologists

 On Earth, annually reduced many species of animals, and this is due primarily to human activities. At the same time, some kinds as they can adapt to their environment. But there are those who just go into oblivion, unable to withstand the main predator of the planet.


Smartphones Tizen will appear this year in South Africa – 3DNews

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Saturday, July 30, 2016

NASA announced the successful testing of the rocket engine for future missions to Mars – TASS

NEW YORK, July 30. / Corr. TASS Aleksey Kachalin /. US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has conducted Friday test firing rockets RS-25, upgraded to the parameters of the heavy carrier rocket SLS (Space Launch System), with which planned to ship a flight two years later Orion ( ” Orion “) to Mars. This was reported by NASA.

The tests were conducted at the site Stennis Space Center near Bay St. Louis (Mississippi). “Motor RS-650 worked 25 seconds, becoming another successful milestone in the development of the SLS, which will allow a person to go into space like never far away and perhaps make a trip to Mars”, – explained in the NASA.

Space US agency explained that these rocket engines previously installed on the space shuttle, “shuttle”, the operation of which was completed in 2011 after 135 launches. RS-25 refined and equipped with a new control unit that allows for communication between the vehicle and the engine.

The current series of tests RD started July 14 and was carried out by specialists NASA, and companies Aerojet Rocketdyne and Syncom Space Services. They are the main contractors for the assembly RS-25 and operation of the landfill facilities in Mississippi.

US space agency plans this year to spend four tests of rocket engines of this type. The next is scheduled for August 18.

The first launch of the ship Orion using SLS is scheduled for late 2018. NASA manned flight to the Red Planet expects to carry out around mid-2030′s. Before Orion flight to Mars should be sent several robotic missions that will study the surface and atmosphere of planets and determine the place of the future of the ship landing with astronauts. NASA Director Charles Bolden said that the US is interested in working on this project with other countries, including Russia.


FSB stopped the powerful cyberattack on the Russian organization – BBC News

FSB thwarted a large-scale cyber attack on the Russian organizations. Malicious spyware found in the computers of public authorities and defense enterprises. Moreover, according to experts, the virus is written individually for each specific organization.

FSB revealed in the Russian segment of the Internet malware created, supposedly in the interests of foreign special services. The investigation revealed that the infection underwent computers of several Russian departments – Ministries (Defence, Economic Development, Labour and Social Welfare, Ministry of Emergency Situations), as well as objects of the nuclear industry and space industry, scientific and military institutions, defense industry enterprises. In total have been infected around 20 networks of organizations located in Russia.

A malicious program fell into computers through emails from trusted recipients. Then the program was implemented in infecting the host computer and through it unhindered control of the entire network, intercepting network traffic, listening, taking screenshots of the screen, including their own webcams and microphones on computers and mobile devices, recording audio and video files and transferring data to press keyboard. That is, in fact, over time, a spyware program becomes “manager” said the network.

Control by the FSB for the distribution and operation of malicious software is carried out with the end of 2015. The first study showed that the control centers operated in the territory of a foreign state. According to the FSB, when creating the attackers used a simple program LUA programming language. This fact is interesting because usually kibershpionskih programs such level that language find difficult – it is more typical for the industry of computer games

“This programming language developed in the early 1990s in Brazil As a result of programming convenience.. speed code execution and ease of learning the language at present it is widely used for the development of massively duplicated software in particular, is known for its application in the computer games industry (for example, the most massive game – World of Warcraft). “, – explained the employee response Center computer incident in government FSB Alexei Novikov organs.

It turns out, the LUA programming language widely used in the development of software, including malware. In this case the experts are known several cases of espionage cyber attacks carried out with the help of this language.

“With the use of this language malware Babar software was developed, also known under the name EvilBunny. In addition, the worldwide fame gained malware Flame, in the development process is also used language LUA “, – tells the employee of the Centre to respond to computer incidents in public authorities FSB Alexey Novikov

This is a sensational Flame project, whose main purpose was precisely cyber espionage.. About it became known in 2012 when it was revealed this malware infection about 600 computers located in different parts of the world. Most are in the Middle East – Iran, Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria and Sudan, as well as in the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia. The publication The Washington Post then reported that the spy virus was created jointly by the US and Israeli experts to obtain information that could be useful in thwarting “the Iranian nuclear program.” In the style of writing, the names of files, parameters use a cyber attack on the Russian computers institutions, according to the FSB, just similar to the Flame virus.

Now there are dozens of different groups in the world who specialize in spying. Relate some of them with a particular intelligence agency is not technically possible.

This week in St. Petersburg held an international meeting of heads of special services, in which representatives from more than 60 countries participated. The FSB director Alexander Bortnikov said that one of the main problems is that the hackers the opportunity to actively used by terrorists.

“The terms of their goals is wide enough. First of all, it is the establishment of links with hacker structures and use their capabilities for organizing massive . cyberattacks on critical infrastructure and the energy sector, communications centers, life support systems This targeted intervention may lead to emergencies and man-made disasters, “- commented the director of the FSB, the chairman of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee of Russia Alexander Bortnikov

<. p> this week sounded several unsubstantiated accusations by Washington in the Russian involvement in the hacking servers of the Democratic party. However, given the information provided today, the FSB, Russia itself is the subject of a cyber attack, and is not acting as an aggressor

. <-! Div class = "article__video-link-double"> For more information on the topic. Watch the video


FSB-kibershpion discovered the virus in 20 networks of government agencies and enterprises of the defense industry – BBC

On Saturday the Russian Federal Security Service reported that the military, defense and other state-owned enterprises were able to get cyberhawks. According to the service, on computers for more than 20 Russian enterprises found malicious software that is used for cyber-espionage.

«was contaminated information resources of public authorities and management, scientific and military institutions, enterprises of the military-industrial complex and other objects of critical infrastructure of the country “, – said the agency

also, the FSB believes that since the attack suffered several tens of state-owned enterprises, an attack was carefully planned. and carried out in a professional manner. Who exactly was the victim of hackers, not specified in the FSB

. <-! Place 8246861, / tech / 2016/05/17/8246861 / sibrus.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut1_link ->

Office experts analyzed the style of writing software (PO), the names of malicious files, as well as a way to “infected” computers and came to the conclusion that the same software used “in the high-profile operations to cyber espionage»


Fraudsters are made according to each “victim” individually and then attacked computer phishing method -. sent an e-mail message with an attachment that contains a malicious program

«after the introduction of the system malware loads the necessary modules allowing for the “victim”, and then is able to intercept network traffic, listening to him, the removal of the screen screenshots, including an independent web-cameras and microphones, PCs, mobile devices, recording audio and video files, to press keys on the keyboard data etc. “, – noted in the FSB

According to a leading analyst of ESET virus Artem Baranov listed FSB functions typical for backdoors -. malicious software that opens remote access to a victim’s computer


«We can assume that this attack was preceded by collection of information on potential victims. Then, the victim received phishing messages exploit (an infected file, that gets into the system and looking for vulnerabilities and then strikes -. “Times”), or malware as an attachment “- said the expert

<.! - 8008301 place, / tech / 2016/01/03/8008301 / hacked-instagram.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut2_link ->

The FSB said that currently already taken steps to identify affected computers . As it turned out, “kibershpiony” attacked “victims” on the entire territory of Russia. Who can stand for such large-scale attacks, the ministry did not specify.

Viral analyst Artem Baranov said that hackers using similar techniques, are classified as state-sponsored (supported by the state), since the creation of and support for their infrastructure require significant resources.

according to a state Duma deputy, safety Committee member and anti-corruption Ilya Kostunova, the attack can be either foreign countries or competitors of the enterprise.

According to Kostunov, such cases show that the system of information security of important facilities, there are “holes”, so it is necessary, first, to strengthen the control by using antiviral drugs and “network” screen, and water Second, determine for the employees of these enterprises, what programs they can install.

In the State Duma Committee for security and Anti-corruption believe that the virus for cyber espionage was launched the US.

«This is beneficial especially to Americans. Microsoft Company, Oracle. Their software (I’m not talking about the “iron”) filled the anything and everything, and, of course, they are a threat to our information security, and not only information security »,

– said Dmitry Gorovtsov , deputy chairman Irina Spring Committee.

The FSB report also does not specify what kind of damage could be caused to the companies, but said that “the risks are minimized,” In his opinion, what kind of damage could cause the attackers to evaluate difficult, as in the case of fraudsters such attacks primarily care about is to identify the amount of the stolen information was impossible

<-.! place 7750625,/tech/2015/09/11/7750625/personal-data-leaks-report.shtml,nm2015/v2/article/incut,incut3_link ->

In 2015, more than 70 million malicious actions on the state of Internet resources, reported in May, the president of International Cooperation in the field of information security Andrey Krutskikh was recorded in Russia. According to the FSB, this figure is a fraction – in the last year experts have identified 24 million hacker attacks on government websites. In the Federation Council noted that the hackers behind the attacks change constantly, because of what is necessary to improve the system of protection.

«It is obvious that it is necessary to raise the level of security of information and communication resources, especially those that are used for the needs of defense and national security, law enforcement, stable operation of the economic and financial system, “- said Vladimir Putin in February 2016

at the same time, Putin said that in the upcoming elections to the state Duma intensified foreign. intelligence agencies and the FSB to the task to stop their activities.

in particular, to combat such attacks, the government intends to prohibit the use of foreign software and hardware in the corporate, government and municipal information systems. Minister of Communications and Mass Media Nikolai Nikiforov said that in May – June 2016. Russian software vendors will receive additional funding for these purposes laid 5 billion rubles. He also noted that

bodies of state power of purchasing foreign software in the amount of about 20 billion rubles. . Per year

About a year ago, the Federal Guard Service proposed a more radical way to fully protect the strategically important enterprises and government bodies – the creation of the Russian segment of the Internet public. People holding important government data are often subject to hacking due to the fact that use e-mail to public services, instant messengers, or simply are active in social networks.

This is indicated by Russian hackers from “Anonymous International” ( also known as “Humpty Dumpty”). In August last year, they made an appeal to the FSB, which indicated that the Russian officials ignore safety rules and crack them does not require much effort.

It should be noted that for the most high-profile hacking in Russia is just “Anonymous International”. In the 2014-2016 years, hackers laid out in the open access or trading your personal or business correspondence of senior government officials and the presidential administration. Attacks were also subjected to the staff of defense enterprises, well-known journalists and media managers. Also, the “International” has claimed responsibility for hacking Twitter account, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.


FSB found the virus to spy on networks of government agencies and defense companies – RBC

Photo by Artem Korotaev / TASS

FSB Russia has found malicious software designed to cyber espionage, computer networks of 20 Russian organizations. We are talking about state power and defense industries

The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) reported a virus infection, designed for kiberslezhki, networks 20 “critical infrastructure of the country ‘bodies. This was reported in the center of the FSB Public Relations

«was contaminated information resources of public authorities and management, scientific and military institutions, enterprises of the military-industrial complex and other objects of the country’s critical infrastructure,” -. Told the secret service .

Infection networks with malware in the FSB called “professionally planned and executed the operation.” The Office also announced “targeted attacks».

According to experts, the virus is “in style of writing, the names of files, parameters and methods are becoming infected,” similar to the malware that was used in operations to cyber espionage in Russia and worldwide. The FSB noticed that the packages for such software are made individually for each of the victims, based on the unique characteristics of the personal computing machines (computers, mobile phones -. RBC’s ) , which is going to attack the intruders.

The virus is spread by sending e-mail messages that contain a malicious attachment. “After its introduction in the malware loads the necessary modules allowing for the victim, and then is able to intercept network traffic, listening to him, the removal of the screen screenshots, including an independent web-cameras and microphones, mobile devices, recording audio and video, data pressing keys on the keyboard, and the like “, – told the FSB.


Friday, July 29, 2016

NASA successfully tested the SLS rocket engine for flight to Mars – RIA Novosti

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Pokemon Go will check for compliance with Russian law – 3DNews

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Pokemon Go will check for compliance with Russian law – 3DNews

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We, LLC “3DNyus” (BIN 1047796098382, legal address:. 121151, the Moscow, Kutuzovsky Prospekt, d. 22, p. 1), guarantee the confidentiality of the information received by us. Processing of personal data is carried out only in order to identify the participants, conducted in the pages site, as well as the delivery of prizes to winners of the competition

This agreement covers the following personal data:. surname, name and patronymic, e-mail address, telephone number, address, age, occupation.

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A member of the Penza Research Institute revealed the truth about 3.7 million rubles hard drive –

A member of the Penza “NIIFI and BT” Vladimir Andreev in the conversation with “My office,” explained the high cost and the size of the hard drive in the GNI-M2.05 developed now. Excerpts from an interview the company published in Facebook.

According to Andreev, the drive was created in 2000 for the generation of computer technology of the time. Solid State Memory in Russia then were not allowed. This hard disk drive used in a special set of management systems, primarily for military purposes.

The specialist explained that the special-purpose vehicles for military purposes must necessarily go to the domestic element base.

«If these restrictions not, please, there are companies who also make the devices for military acceptance, but foreign element base. There’s something there gigabytes and more “, – he added

By a Facebook post said that the company employee did not know that the invention has caused a stir in the press and online.. At the same time officials “NIIFI and VT” on Friday, 29 July, refused to give any comments on the GNI-M2.05.

Previously, users of social networks, learn about the invention of the Penza engineers subjected his ridicule. Some joked that the GNI-M2.05 can only be purchased in the mortgage, while others mocked the success of import substitution in the IT-sphere.


Russian scientists have determined the speed of decomposition of dead wood – BBC

29.07.2016 <- - include virtual = "/ nm2015 / ssi / news / bulka.shtml"!> | 15:42

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Scientists from the Forest Institute of Karelian Research Centre of RAS and the St. Petersburg State Forestry Academy named after SM Kirov calculated the rate of decomposition of different types of wood, as well as different parts of the trunk and branches of the same tree. The results of work supported by a grant from the Russian Research Fund (RNF), published in the European Journal of Forest Research magazine.

«Evaluation of the rate of decomposition of large woody debris in various conditions necessary for correct calculation of the carbon balance of forests, which is especially important in an era of global climate change. Our results allow us to make recommendations for the study of the speed of biological cycles. For example, examination of the bark with wood can lead to an underestimation of the rate of decomposition of trunks “, – he explained the head of Research, Senior Researcher, Institute of Forest, Karelian Research Centre of RAS, PhD Ekaterina Shorohova.

The carbon balance of forests is estimated difference in absorption and carbon losses. Under carbon sequestration refers to the absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during growth of the tree and its transformation into biomass: wood than older, the less it absorbs carbon. carbon losses occur during harvesting, forest fires, outbreaks of pests, windfalls.

«These estimates the rate of decomposition of large woody debris can predict their distribution in the ecosystem, which is especially important for many rare species of living organisms, using large wood residues as food supply or habitat. Thus, the results obtained can be used in the evaluation of ecosystem services (which are the benefits people obtain from ecosystems), boreal forests, and therefore the quality of life of people “, – says Catherine Shorohova

It is shown that. in the boreal forests of the decomposition rate of non-stem fractions of large woody debris (roots, branches and bark) depends mainly on soil moisture and tree species. The rate of decomposition of the entire tree can be modeled as a function of the natural area, tree species and diameter of the trunk. The branches are attached to the trunks decompose slower than the other factions. The average rate of weight loss of attachment of branches is 0.6% per year for the Siberian stone pine, and 2% per year for the spruce, fir, aspen and birch. The bark decomposes faster than the other factions: on average 15 and 26% per year in low and well drained (with diversion of excess water from the soil) habitats, respectively. A significant role in the loss of mass of the cortex plays its fragmentation insects. root decomposition rate is an average of 2.5 and 3.4% per year for the weak and well-drained habitats, respectively

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On military bases in Canada to look for banned Pokemon – TASS

OTTAWA, July 29th. / Corr. Daniel Studnev TASS /. Canadian Forces warned players Pokemon Go – in form and without it, they do not have the right to seek Pokemon in the territory of military bases or other military property. On Thursday said the TV channel STV.

The reason for the warning were three cases of “catching” themselves adherents Pokemon Go Canadian military police on three military bases located in the province of Nova Scotia and Ontario. All cases have occurred in the last few days

“In order to ensure public safety Pokemon Go players must refrain from trying to penetrate the military institutions without a separate authorization to search for Pokemon” -. Said the representative of the military base ” Halifax “(Nova Scotia) Natasha LeDuc. According to her, violators get any penalties from the “warning to a fine or arrest”

Pokemon Go -. Multiplayer game, which aims to search for and training of characters, called Pokémon. The game introduced elements of augmented reality. Digital and real worlds in Pokemon Go connected, because the picture is displayed on the smartphone’s screen is projected onto the objects from the real world. According to various estimates, the number of daily users of the game can exceed 20 million.

So far released more than 25 video game Pokemon on different platforms, and the total number of copies sold has reached the mark of 200 million. The total amount of sales, so or otherwise associated with these fantastic creatures, tens of billions of dollars.


Astronauts “Apollo” program suffer from heart disease are more likely to astronauts – TVNZ

The American researchers found that participants in the program “Apollo” suffer from heart disease and blood vessels are more likely to astronauts.

Scientist Michael Delp analyzed the causes of death of these astronauts, and came to the conclusion that they usually die of a mysterious disease, which arises from the long-term presence in space and the effect of cosmic rays.

in his report, published in the journal Scientific Reports, notes that the effects of cosmic radiation on human health have not been sufficiently studied.

“experiments on mice have shown that cosmic rays do harm vascular health,” – Delp said

He added that more than 43% of astronauts, fly around and landed on the surface of the moon, died of heart attacks and other problems. heart and blood vessels. This is 4-5 times higher than the mortality rate for this reason, among other astronauts and employees NASA , does not happen in space.


Thursday, July 28, 2016

Astronauts “Apollo” program suffer from heart disease are more likely to astronauts – TVNZ

The American researchers found that participants in the program “Apollo” suffer from heart disease and blood vessels are more likely to astronauts.

Scientist Michael Delp analyzed the causes of death of these astronauts, and came to the conclusion that they usually die of a mysterious disease, which arises from the long-term presence in space and the effect of cosmic rays.

in his report, published in the journal Scientific Reports, notes that the effects of cosmic radiation on human health have not been sufficiently studied.

“experiments on mice have shown that cosmic rays do harm vascular health,” – Delp said

He added that more than 43% of astronauts, fly around and landed on the surface of the moon, died of heart attacks and other problems. heart and blood vessels. This is 4-5 times higher than the mortality rate for this reason, among other astronauts and employees NASA , does not happen in space.


The astronauts who flew to the moon, more likely to die from heart problems – BBC

It looks like about flying to the moon, and even more so on other planets humanity will have to forget, as long as it can not cope with health problems, which are put in front of people going beyond the Earth’s magnetosphere, which protects them from cosmic radiation. And if somehow endure and possibly compensate caused space problems with vision or, let us say, with the bones is somehow possible, but now it turns out that people departing for earthly limits, pursue a very serious heart problems, and this is not a joke .

<-! place 8171639, / science / 2016/04 / 12_a_8171639.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut1_link ->

About this danger speaks study conducted by US scientists, for the first time to analyze the reasons for American astronauts die.

The results of their work, scientists have stated in an article published in the latest issue of the journal Scientific Reports .

In the study the authors have tried to understand what and whether different causes of death are different astronauts who visited in low orbits, the people have never been to space, and members of the “Apollo” program – the only people departing from the Earth outside the magnetosphere. “Apollo” program operated from 1961 to 1972, from 1968 to 1972 to the Moon sent 11 manned missions in the course of these nine astronauts leave the Earth orbit. The main success of the program was the first human landing on the lunar surface in 1969.

The study examined the different possible causes of death -. From cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer, etc. The death rate from cancer in all three. astronauts categories was the same as, indeed, from all other causes, except for the GCC. It was found that if the first two categories of astronauts mortality from cardiovascular disease was almost the same (9 and 11%, respectively),

<-! Place 8352995, / science ™ / 2016/07 / 01_a_8352995.shtml , nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut2_link ->

the members of “Apollo” mission, it was significantly higher and amounted to 43% at the time of analysis.

It is known that 24 astronauts to fly to the moon, to this day not lived eight, but one of the dead astronauts – Edgar Mitchell – was not included in the sample, since he died after holding research in February 2016.

The authors suggested that disturbances of cardiovascular activity caused by the combined action of the body radiation and weightlessness, which can lead to a weakening of the arterial wall. To understand in more detail the mechanisms that lead to such violations, they set up an experiment on mice. The mice were subjected to prolonged exposure to the radiation of the type suffered by “apollonovtsy” during their flight, while creating the conditions for them, reduce musculoskeletal strain, as it happens in deep space. Six months later, most of these mice were found damaged blood vessels, which in humans leads to the development of atherosclerosis

<-.! Place 7848281, / science / 2015/10 / 28_a_7848281.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut3_link ->

Six months mouse corresponds to about 20 years of life in humans. In other words, the risk of CVD in astronauts is not immediately and is long-lasting, affecting the state of health after many years. Perhaps for this reason, the complications of this sort, doctors did not pay attention. In fact, the desire to attract the attention of specialists is to this sort of risk was the main purpose of the study’s authors.

«We know very little about the effect of radiation in deep space on human health, in particular in its vascular system, – says one of the study’s authors, Michael Delp, a professor at Florida State University. – Our work gave the first hints of what kind of damage can cause a person Exposure to these conditions

These experiments in mice tell us that the harm that deep space causes. vessels, quite noticeable. »

currently, professor Delp leads NASA talks about further medical examination of all members of the” Apollo program “. The account of this risk, the authors say, is especially important now, when the “space” of the nation develop flight plans on Mars and on the moon.


In Russia, invented a “perpetual” drone – The Russian Times

The Russian scientist developed multicopter, change the battery without human intervention. The complex consists of a drone and special docking station with replaceable batteries, providing continuous operation copter. This “News” said the inventor – researcher at the Laboratory of Intelligent Robotic Systems University “Innopolis” Igor Danilov.

«The purpose of the project – to solve the problem of continuous residence multicopter in working condition by automatically replacing depleted battery. The main problem of modern drones – small time operation on a single battery charge. Today, people compelled to put multicopter on the ground and recharge it every 30-40 minutes, “-tsitiruet newspaper” Izvestia “inventor Igor Danilov, a researcher at the laboratory of the University of intelligent robotic systems” Innopolis ».

On According to Daniel, the project was designed to solve the problem of continuous residence multicopter operational. Today, man is forced to sit and recharge drone every 30-40 minutes, reports “Izvestia».

copter itself will understand, when the battery is running low. To charge it using special docking station that contains the battery drone. Replacing the battery takes about a minute

According to the specialist, the cost of one dock will be 2.5 million rubles, and one station will be enough to serve 3-4 copter. He also noted that the developed technology can be useful for online retailers, transportation companies, companies engaged in geodesic surveys and other

drone Capacity of approximately 1 kg, the price -. About 150 thousand rubles.. For example, UAVs may well be used for the rapid delivery of food or order from online stores. For example, unmanned aerial vehicles is quite able to deliver food or not heavy stuff from online stores. In the summer of 2014, the court fined 50 thousand rubles. company ‘copter Express “for illegal cargo – primarily in the Russian Federation pizza delivery drone by” Dodo pizza. ” He tried to solve the main defect of topical today multicopter – small time operation on a single battery charge. On average drones carried out in air from 15 to 35 minutes. now in Israel and Singapore are working on a similar docking stations developments. Most will be better to keep a person at a rate that will regularly change the batteries in the drone for 15-20 minutes. “But generally speaking the dock – is the next stage of market development of drones”, – declared expert

Earlier “Real time” wrote that in Tatarstan hold a 3D-scanning of towns and villages with the help of drones


“VKontakte” produces an analog Prisma – News

Photo: Ekaterina Shtukin

«VKontakte” launched an analogue of the popular photoappendices Prisma, which allows you to turn your photos into paintings. Development of social network called Vinci. It appeared in the social network account on iOS and Android platforms.

The application for “VKontakte” did the development team with the support of the social network administration. Photoappendices Vinci allows one-touch improve photos – this user needs to take a photo or choose from your photo gallery image. Next you need to select one of 10 filters: they retouch photos and “redraw” them in different artistic styles.

– As a team we have seven, and we were curious if it will make Vinci for 10 days, – says “Izvestiya” one of the developers Kirill Malev. – We made it. Imagine in 2016, anyone can become an artist. Without school preparation, even without the popular photo editor Photoshop. Science, supporting the largest social network in Europe, the sleepless nights – and ultimately everyone can a second look would look like the view from his window, if it drew Kandinsky.

Chief Operating Officer “VKontakte” Andrew Rogozov noted that the success of Prisma has confirmed the demand for such applications to users

-. «VKontakte» supports inspiring and innovative ideas, including from third-party developers – says Rogozov. – Since the training and the use of deep neural networks requires a lot of computing power, for the implementation of the project, we not only provide our own infrastructure, but also significantly expanded it. Thus, we provide the ability to scale on-going projects and invest in the development direction associated with the use of artificial intelligence.

Popular Prisma application that using a filter converts photos into paintings, was presented on June 11, but only for iOS-platform. According to Apple, the application was listed as the owner of Alexei Moiseenko, who at that time worked in the company Mail.Ru Group. Later Mail.Ru Group bought a stake in the project.

According to the analyst THEIR “Finam” Leonid Delitsina, Mail.Ru Group to evaluate the entire project is $ 1 million.

A mobile application for processing Prisma pictures became available for Android OS users only after a month and a half – 25 July. Now this photoappendices 38 filters.

According to the founder of the service bonus Me Teamo Andrey Burin success Prisma related to the fact that its developers are first able to adapt sophisticated technology for simple user and make it publicly available.

– «VKontakte” will be able to scale the project and make it a relatively popular in Russia, but Prisma still does not get around – Burin said. – They got wide popularity in the media. In addition, there is an experience of the same Facebook, which is trying to repeat the success of the growing popularity of applications, such as Snapchat, but could not.

See also:

Music “VKontakte” will be paid until the end of the year


VKontakte developers launched an analogue of Prisma – Ferra

social network VKontakte developers have released a new mobile application for devices running iOS and Android operating systems. The app, called Vinci is an analogue of the acclaimed Prisma.

Let’s remind, the Prisma uses possibilities of neural networks for processing images in the style of popular artists such as Van Gogh, Picasso and Levitan and known patterns and ornaments . Version for iOS app is now available June 11, 2016, and five weeks after the release gained 10 million users. Version for Android has been available over the past weekend, July 24.

Vinci also allows you to process images using neural networks and artificial intelligence. The developers promise a “ten” with the possibility of retouching filters, Art filters and the ability to compare different artistic styles, as well as the photoelectric effect. Of course, it provides an easy opportunity to share results in social networks.

Vinci for iOS and Android is available for free download in the App Store and Google Play.
