Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thin, light and robust armor future of graphene – Softcraze

graphene According to the information published in the journal Science, US researchers want to make the armor of a new generation of material graphene. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts believe that the material is unique because of its properties. It is ideal for creating a protective snaryazheniya- has reliability, ease and flexibility at the same time.

Graphene dimensional allotropic modification of carbon, which consists of atomic layer thickness of 10 mm., Connected σ- and π bonds.

Scientists have conducted tests of the test material by shooting bullets in a small silicon wafer graphene. It was found that the material thickness of one atom absorbs high energy shock much better than steel. Graphene dissipates this energy taking the form of a cone, in which cracks are formed in different directions from the site of impact. The material is able to withstand 8-10 times more momentum than steel. The disadvantages of a material is the fact that after being hit by a bullet in the plate holes appear. However, scientists believe that the lack of identified during testing can be eliminated by attaching additional material to graphene.

Graphene – a thin, high-strength and heat-resistant material which has unusual properties of thermal conductivity. It managed to synthesize in 2004
Konstantin Novoselov and Andre Geim of Manchester University won the Nobel Prize for studying the properties of graphene in 2010.

Tags: armor, graphite, easy, reliable, scientific development, durable, steel

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