Wednesday, November 26, 2014

NASA called terrestrial shrimp key to finding alien life – BFM.Ru

may study the inhabitants of the Caribbean closer to unraveling the scientists

Experts from NASA claim that the shrimp from the Caribbean may open the way for researchers to study life on other planets. Details leads CNN. See also: In NASA promised to get in touch with aliens after 20 years

We are talking about a shrimp Rimicaris hybisae. They live in hydrothermal vents at a depth of 7,500 feet, where the water meets the hot magma. According to scientists, it is – the key to the study of life forms characteristic of extreme habitats.

The water in these places is cool enough to live shrimp in it. They feed on bacteria in the vents, inside which the temperature, on the contrary, very high, and these hot streams are pulled out. Once these microorganisms can survive in such difficult conditions on the ground, it may make sense to draw an analogy with other planets. As an example, NASA leads Jupiter with its icy satellites – Europe, where, presumably, may be the ocean.

Scientists have wondered if the shrimp feed on bacteria, what you need by bacteria? According to scientists, they get their energy from the chemical reaction. “An animal that could survive in Europe, largely depends on the actual amount of energy emitted by hydrothermal vents,” – says Emma Verstizh, an employee of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

In the summer it was reported that NASA allocates 25 million dollars to study in Europe. Scientists believe that the ocean can be located under the icy surface of the satellite, and its waters may hide myself in extraterrestrial life.


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