Wednesday, November 26, 2014

US put a stick in the “cosmic wheel” of Russia by blocking the supply of equipment for the space observatory – Moskovsky Komsomolets

Roscosmos happened precedent has already been called – is still the prohibition applies only to dual-use devices

Today, at 03:53, Views: 945

The US authorities continue to “sting” Russia, coming up with all sorts of new sanctions, prohibitions and restrictions. And here’s another “pearl” of the State Department – Office imposed a ban on exports to Russia radiation-resistant components used in devices for detection of radiation. And in order to disrupt the construction of Russian international orbiting observatory “Spektr-UV”.

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Photo: Mikhail Kovalev

In other words, the US is trying to block the implementation of large-scale international project to create an orbiting observatory” Spektr-UV “, ceasing to supply Russia with the aforementioned devices for the detection of radiation which use American components that are resistant to radiation. This is the director of the Institute of Astronomy of RAS Boris Shustov.

“In our country, we can not make ourselves high radiation detectors, including in the ultraviolet range. Therefore, we were forced to permit Roscosmos contract with British firm E2V, make a prepayment. But this year, the United States introduced additional restrictions on the supply of high-tech products in Russia, and it affected our contract. The British do radiation detector itself, but the electronic “tying” of radiation-resistant components created using American parts. Permission to export these items in Russia they could not get “- quoted a scientist” Izvestia “.

According to the head of the Institute of Astronomy in E2V nevertheless do not want to interrupt the contract to avoid paying a penalty.

“The English do radiation detector itself, but the electronic” tying “of radiation-resistant components created using American parts – said Shustov” Izvestia “. – Permission to export these items in Russia they could not get. “” The British we are assured that the necessary details can make yourself, but asked for permission to extend the contract for 1.5 years “- quoted the director of the Institute of Astronomy TASS.

E2V – developer and manufacturer of electronic equipment used in scientific, medical and military purposes. Before the company was called English Electric Valve Company. It produces radar systems, x-ray machines, laser equipment. The company’s clients – Airbus, Boeing, Raytheon , Siemens and others.

According to a source of “Izvestia” Roskosmos, the case with the device “Spectrum-UV” can be considered as a precedent, since before that the Americans do not block the supply of components for scientific apparatus. In this case, suppliers spacecraft broadcast was possible to obtain an export permit in Russia until recently.

“Politics is interfering in everything and everywhere, it is naive to believe that science exists in some separate pure world,” – said Shustov.

Note that US exports (including part of US – for example, authenticated or adjustment in the US) details of which can be used in systems for military and dual-use is governed by ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) – a set of rules established by the US government for export of goods and services of a defensive nature. In accordance with the rules ITAR export of electronic-component base (ECB) categories of military (for use in military systems) and space (radiation hardened components) in the Russian Federation is possible with the permission of the US State Department – that this “loophole” took advantage of the Office to once again “punish” Russia for the intractability.

According to the source in the Russian Space Agency, until the summer of last year, the Americans looked at the ECB for Russian deliveries of dual-use through your fingers, if only it was not about the components used in the systems of offensive weapons . In the early summer of 2013, when the question arose with Snowden and Syria, the Americans have made it clear that the mode of supply may change: then they banned the supply of components for the spacecraft, “Geo-IK-2″, calling it a war (appointment system – geodetic measurements high precision, its owner – the Defense Ministry). Later it was reported to ban the supply of components for GLONASS, but official confirmation has not been made.

“The Americans are trying to cut us from the products of new technologies. In contrast to the political and financial interventions technological sanctions resemble an iceberg – most of them part is not visible. That is, some measures are announced, and some of you will know at the last moment, when half of the satellite is built. Exactly what happened with E2V. But in such a situation is not one Russian. Those who threaten such measures , should unite and develop critical technologies together. The only way to avoid the consequences of technological colonialism “- said a member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics Tsiolkovsky Andrew, son of John.

Astrophysical Observatory” Spectrum-UV “is intended for observation of the reach of for ground-based telescopes ultraviolet portion of the spectrum. The main tool of the device – a space telescope with a primary mirror diameter of 1.7 meters – will be equipped with a spectrograph of high and low resolution cameras and to obtain high-resolution spectra and construction of high-quality images in the ultraviolet range. “Spectrum-UV” in its capabilities close to the American space telescope “Hubble”.

In the Russian-led project also involved foreign countries, including Spain and Germany – is the scientific part of the Russian Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences. Also in project involved Complutense University of Madrid and the German Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the University of Tübingen.

According to the portal “St. Petersburg Diary” launch “Spectrum-UV” previously planned for 2016, but in light of recent events, this date postponed indefinitely. According Shustova launch will take place no earlier than 2020.


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