Saturday, November 29, 2014

American scientists have promised to make ultra-thin armor of graphene – Interfax



Moscow. November 30th. INTERFAX.RU – American scientists from the University of Massachusetts said that the two-dimensional graphene crystals that make up a thickness of only one atom may be useful for creating armor. Relevant research published in the journal Science Magazine .

According to them, graphene can withstand stronger shocks than steel. To find out, it was necessary to conduct an experiment in which graphene sheets fired balls of silicon. It was found that graphene dissipates impact energy in a cone shape. If the force of the impact is too great, the substance “breaks” in all directions from the point of application of force.

Studies have shown that graphene is superior in strength steel 8-10 times.

A potential drawback of the substance may be the fact that “shells” leave wider apertures input than steel. Scientists hope to combine graphene with other materials, to solve this problem.

Graphene is a carbon crystals one atom thick. In 2004, he became the first two-dimensional crystal, obtained by man. In 2010, researchers from the University of Manchester Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov received the Nobel Prize for graphene research.


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